Chapter 12: Reckless Brother, and Becoming a Guard and Ambassador

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•two days after settling in Konoha•
I was currently walking around the village, bored on what I should do. I could go see what's at the weapons shop, go eat at a restaurant- oh that's right. I forgot that there was a ramen shop that I wanted to try. Before I could head over there, I saw something strange. I turned to look at what it was, and my eyes widened and my mouth gaped. The Hokage Mountain was painted over, and someone was dangling on rope in front of dad's newly painted head.'Oh my gods, dad would be rolling in his grave right now.' I thought. Chūnin And Jounin started running to the person, and I followed suit. However, I paused when I felt that familiar pull in the direction I was going.'Please don't tell me Naruto did this.' I pleaded to Kurama as I continued running to the mountain, watching as the person started to escape. Uh, that's not Naruto? Kurama said unsurely, and I sighed in exasperation.'I'm the youngest sibling yet I have to act as the oldest here.' I muttered in my head. Naruto tried running through the back roads, managing to avoid all of the ninja after him. I then had a mischievous smirk, and went ahead of Naruto's path. Soon, he was running towards where I hid myself, and before he ran past me I popped out of my hiding spot under an archway."Hi!" I said cheerfully with an innocent smile, and he exclaimed in shock while slipping and falling on his butt. He groaned in pain, and I sensed Iruka come up to us with an ominous aura. Naruto paused and looked confused about what he was sensing, and I smiled at the adult."Hey, Iruka! How's it going?" I greeted, and he gave me a forced smile before tying my brother with rope and heading to the academy. I sighed before I heard the squawk of a hawk (lol rhyme), and I looked up to see one circling above me. I sighed again before flickering into the office a second later in front of Hiruzen's desk. He flinched and dropped his pipe as he stared wide eyed at me."H-how-" "Oh! I put my Flying Thunder God seal on your desk. Anyway, what's up?" I asked, and I just noticed that a really tall guy with a bandanna on his head was in the room as he smacked his hands down on Hiruzen's desk, shaking it and nearly making the two stacks of paper collapse."How dare you talk to the Hokage as if he was lower than you! You may be the daughter of the late Fourth Hokage, but that doesn't give the right to-" "Ibiki, that's enough. It's fine." Hiruzen sighed, and Ibiki huffed before crossing his arms."Alright, then. Nariko, because of your kekkai genkai, I want you to be a guard. If there is an event or a meeting, I want you to use it to defend me or anyone else that is in or are allies with the Leaf. I also want you to be a scout. Use your kekkai genkai to have all eyes around the village, make sure there isn't any trouble. And lastly, I want you to be my ambassador. There will be times when we have to make peace treaties, and I believe you can take care of it without any trouble." He said, and I nearly choked, clearing my throat from the saliva that nearly went into my lungs from surprise."Ahem, so for the guarding part, like if you went to a meeting with the other kages, I have to go there with you and protect you?" I asked, and he nodded."And for the ambassador part, I have to go to different villages, talk to the kages and make a peace treaty with them? How?" I questioned, and he smiled."Don't worry, I'll have someone teach you everything you need to know." He reassured me, and I deadpanned.'Well that's great.' I thought.
"So, does that mean I won't be a sensei? Wait, what about my brother? I want to be in his team to help keep the calm with Yang-Kurama." I said, and he raised his hand."You will still be with him. I will have you as an assistant of a sort for his sensei if he becomes a genin." He told me, and I became confused."What do you mean?" I asked, and Ibiki sighed irritably."You're brother fails his classes every year, and fails the graduation exam every year as well. He's still failing his class, and I doubt he'll pass the exam this year." He grumbled, and I narrowed my eyes at him."What is the exam?" I demanded, and he smirked."One of the most basic jutsus ever. Clone jutsu." He told me, and I sighed. I started a thought process on how I might be able to help him, and I snapped my fingers when I came to a realization."Shadow clone jutsu!" I exclaimed, and they both gave me a confused expression."I had trouble learning how to make a regular clone too when I was younger, but when I was introduced to the shadow clone jutsu I mastered it easily! Maybe he's the same way, we just need to teach it to him!" I said, and Ibiki shook his head."That's impossible. It's a forbidden jutsu, he can't. It might kill him if he doesn't have enough chakra to perform it or even maintain it." He disagreed, and I grinned."But because of Yang-Kurama, he has plenty. That's probably the reason why he messes up the clone jutsu, he's using too much chakra for it and it comes out terrible! The shadow clone jutsu is perfect for him!" I said, and they both glanced at each other."I'm sorry, Nariko, but the jutsu is forbidden for a reason." Hiruzen said, and I deflated before going to a corner to grow mushrooms."Come now, Nariko. Don't be like this." Hiruzen pleaded as I poked one of my mushrooms glumly. He sighed before telling me to start my patrol, and I got up and walked out like I just got severely punished and was sent to my room. I then popped my head back into the office, slightly startling the two adults."Can I use my dad's head to hide my paths?" I asked."Wait, what?" Ibiki asked befuddled, but Hiruzen waved his hand in a dismissive way."Yes, yes. Go ahead." He said."Woot!" I exclaimed in a small victory cry before blasting off in the speed of light (lol). I left the Hokage building and ran towards the mountain before quickly running up it with chakra on the bottom of my feet as a suction. I soon made it to the painted bust of my dad's head, and smirked as I looked at the other heads."Such a reckless and troublesome brother." I chuckled before walking up to dad's right eye."Alright. Let's do this." I mumbled before activating my Rinnegan, doing hand signs and placing my right hand on the stone eye."Hidden Doorway Technique!" There was a small tremor, and suddenly a large opening appeared on the eye with a large room beyond it. I entered it, and quickly did another jutsu."Four Pillar Home Technique!" Wood erupted from the ground and soon there were six pod beds made, three on both the left and right side of the room."Now one more time. Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees!" Using a little bit of chakra for this one, I managed to make a small amount of short trees with blossoms on them grow within the room even though the jutsu is meant to make a huge ass forest."There. Now I won't suffocate. Oh, one more thing." I said to myself. I walked up to the middle of the room, touched the ground and put a Flying Thunder God seal there before sitting cross legged on that same spot. I closed my eyes and began a form of meditation before activating my paths. All of them opened there eyes, and I saw six different point of views, though it was normal and I was used to it. I had them get out of their metal pods then had all of my paths except Deva flicker to me then go stand by their new pods. I had Deva go outside the chamber and walk to Otōsan's office before knocking on his door."Come in." He said, and Deva opened the door."Otōsan, I'm transferring my paths to Konoha. I already found a place to hide them and got Hiruzen's permission as well." I told him, and he frowned."You decided to tell me this just now instead of before? What if I say no and tell you to bring them back?" He asked, and I frowned as well."Otōsan, he made me a patrol and his personal guard as well as ambassador. I'm also going to be assigned to my brother's team if he becomes a genin. I need to have my paths near me in order to complete my tasks. Please, Otōsan?" I said, and he paused before sighing and rubbing his face."This man, I swear....... alright. Just take care of them and make sure you guard them and yourself well." He mumbled, and I nodded. I glanced and smiled at Okāsan before having Deva flicker to my house. Gathering enough blankets and pillows without dropping them, I then had her flicker to me. My other paths got a pillow and blanket from Deva before all of them made their pods or 'beds'. There was a shout outside that caused me to lose concentration, and I quickly refocused before having Asura go check it out. I sighed in exasperation when it was just my brother yelling at Iruka from a bosun chair, but it was actually a wooden chair suspended on a rope so it looked more like a swing. Ignoring them, I had my paths quickly exit the chamber, close the chamber, and seal it (オープン/ open). I then had them be positioned at the borders of the village similar to a clock- Asura was at twelve, Preta was at two, Deva was at four, Naraka was at six, Ningen was at eight, and Annie was at ten (made Annie the nickname for her animal path). With everyone in position, I made sure to have them scan the surroundings every few minutes while also sensing my surroundings. However, I tensed when I sensed someone in the roof of my chamber, but relaxed."Hi Venus." I said, and I sensed and heard him anime fall out of the roof before focusing on my paths again.

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