Chapter 21: I Really Fucking Hate Danzō

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~time skippy, Nariko's pov~
Okay, to sum things up, the one month prep wasn't that entertaining. Gaara killed Dosu who wanted to kill Gaara so he can fight Sasuke -yeah, some confusing shit there-, then Gaara tried to kill Lee but Shikamaru, Naruto and Guy stopped him. Naruto met Jiraiya, and started training under him after convincing the damn pervert by doing some stupid shit that I don't remember. Actually, it was worth it 'cause he got to contract with the toads like Jiraiya and dad. Anyway, Sasuke trained with Kakashi to learn Chidori, which concerns me for many reasons. Sakura did some shit that I don't care about, and I don't give a fuck about all the other participants. Actually, Kabuto and Orochimaru came to ask for forgiveness for nearly killing me with the cursed mark, and I got to beat the shit out of them while cussing them out and lecturing them. It's obvious that I don't forgive them, but I won't go to war with them or kill them. That's too much work. Anyway, during the month I got to train in the domain that my wolf summons live in. They started teaching me about their form of Senjutsu, and the heads of the pack, Anubis and Ōkami, said they could train me completely on it after the exams when I have time. From the stuff they told me on how to do it, it seems simple. It's kinda like using my sensor ability and using medical jutsu, but a bit more complicated.
Anyway, I still remember what the Sound's plan is. If Gaara does go all one-tails on everyone, I'll have to trust that Naruto will stop him for me. I would do it myself but I know Orochimaru will try to kill Hiruzen. So, I'm going to use all of my paths and make sure that doesn't happen. I'm kinda worried though. Not that Naruto won't be able to stop Gaara 'cause I know he will, and not that I'll fail to protect Hiruzen 'cause I will use Outer Path- Samsara Of Heavenly Life technique to revive everyone with the cost of my own. It's Danzō I'm worried about. The asshat has his ANBU keeping tabs on me while I keep tabs on all of them. I have a feeling he'll try to kill me because since I'm stronger than him he sees me as a threat. I just hope I'm wrong 'cause that'll fuck everything up.
.......... I'm listening to Hidan-oji and Kurama too much.
Anyway, I'm currently in my hidden chamber in my dad's head with Kuro and Shiro standing guard to protect me just in case, and all of my paths are lined up behind Hiruzen. I have Kage in the air so I have a view from above, and I can tell everyone is anxious to see the fight or start their own. Sasuke and Kakashi are late- I'll have to reprimand them later- and everyone is wondering what happened to Dosu. Oh, he's most likely rotting away somewhere or something, who knows. I love Gaara, even in his psychotic moments, but him and Shukaku need to learn when to calm the fuck down sometimes. Seriously, Gaara is so anxious right now he looks about ready to kill everyone here. Anyway, everyone who was paired already fought. Well, except Shino because Kankuro forfeited before the match even started, and Gaara for an obvious reason. The proctor held out the time for Gaara and Sasuke's match long enough, and right as he was about to announce Gaara as the automatic winner- which would have pissed him off to no end- Sasuke and Kakashi appeared back to back in a flurry of leaves. Everyone cheered, but were interrupted when I had my Asura path flicker next to them, do what Bella did to Jacob in the beginning of Breaking Dawn part 2 to Kakashi, then gave Sasuke a look to basically say 'I'll deal with you later'. I then flickered Asura and Kakashi to the arena's hallway, gave a three minute lecture to Kakashi while wishing Gaara luck during the second minute as he passed by, then let Kakashi go up to the bleachers before flickering back to my other paths. I was tensed throughout the whole fight. Sasuke tried punching his way through Gaara's ultimate defense, then basically body flickered behind him and started doing the same thing Lee did: beat the shit out of him. As I watched Sasuke land hit after hit on Gaara, I felt my real body's left arm twitch every few seconds, and I just wanted to stop the match and comfort and tend to Gaara's wounds. However, if I do that, Sasuke, Gaara and the visitors who betted on the fight will be pissed at me, Gaara more than the rest probably 1) he was seriously looking forward to basically murdering Sasuke and 2) he's not used to affection so he will either become really embarrassed or really agitated. Probably agitated. Anyway, Gaara managed to get Sasuke off his back (fml I almost put wanaged instead of managed) and made a giant sand ball around him to shield him. Every time Sasuke went near it, spikes of sand would shoot out and nearly skewer the duckass. Sasuke then stood sideways on the wall and started up Chidori, and when he finished it he ran down and jabbed into the sphere while avoiding the spikes. It was silent for a while, then my paths and my real body flinched hard when Gaara screamed,"BLOOD! IT'S MY BLOOD!" Obviously he's never seen his own blood before, even though Lee beat him enough to make him bleed a little. Or at least I think he did. Idk.
Anyway, while Shukaku wakes up and tries to grab Sasuke, the Kazekage reveals himself to be Orochimaru. The Sound Four came out of nowhere and made a barrier to keep anyone from coming in or coming out. Sadly for them and Orochimaru, I'm still standing with Hiruzen. The fight between the sand and sound against the leaf has begun.
~third pov (I just love adding everyone into the bundle)~
We all know what happens with the rookies and the sand siblings, so we'll ignore them for now. Nariko's six paths help Hiruzen fight Orochimaru and later the two late Senju Hokages. Naraka stayed in the side lines to revive the fallen paths, and Asura is protecting her. Deva, Preta, and Ningen are doing most of the fighting for Hiruzen. Preta is taking on both Senjus with a clone of herself, and Deva and Ningen are taking turns with attacking Orochimaru. After every 6 minutes, Deva would demand him to give up, but the sannin continues to refuse. Kage is helping Nariko keep an eye on the battle in the arena and the battle in the forest. However, there's another problem that needs to be dealt with. One is the giant snake summons that are destroying the village, and two is that Danzō is calmly making his way to Nariko's location.
Once he reaches the Fourth Hokage's eye with the seal on it, he hums in thought before basically blowing up Minato's face with explosive tags. As the dust cleared, Danzō heard the snarling of wolves and saw a black wolf and a white wolf standing protectively in front of his target. Danzō frowned before removing the bandages on his right arm, revealing the Sharingans he took from all of the dead Uchihas. He casted a strong genjutsu on the wolves- not tsukuyomi, since he needed to use Shisui's eye for that- and they fell unconscious. Nariko was so focused on fighting the Senjus and Orochimaru that she didn't even realize or notice Danzō was in front of her. Danzō took out a kunai and did wind release: vacuum blade before stabbing it through Nariko's shoulder and trapping her there. Nariko lost all focus because of the pain in her shoulder, and all five of her paths fell to the ground as her scream pierced the air, which made anyone who was fighting freeze. Shukaku/Gaara, Orochimaru, and Hiruzen turned to look at where Nariko was located, and fear grew in them."No......" Orochimaru whispered in dread."NARIKO!!!" Gaara and Shukaku yelled before Shukaku howled in rage. However, the bijū and his host couldn't go and aid her since Naruto was keeping them from leaving. Both forgetting that they were trying to kill each other, Orochimaru and Hiruzen race to Nariko, with Hashirama and Tobirama close behind.
Nariko whimpers as she moves a little, the pain becoming a bit unbearable. Danzō gets on his knees and raises his right arm, casting a genjutsu. Nariko is unaffected, however, since her Rinnegan is still activated. Danzō notices and smirks."You have a very powerful dōjutsu, as well as a tailed beast inside you. I want your eyes and the Kyūbi, girl, and you will give them to me." He told her quietly. Nariko's eyes widen in fear and panic, and she starts crying. She tries to move away, but cries out when the sword makes her wound larger. Danzō notices how much blood she's losing, and frowns."Now, I can't have you dying on me. If you do, you'll take the Kyūbi before I can even take him out of you." He said, then began to do hand signs to unseal Kurama."Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!" Suddenly, snakes wrapped themselves around Danzō and restricted his movement. At the entrance of the chamber was Orochimaru- who was the one who used the technique-, Hiruzen, and the reanimated Hashirama and Tobirama Senju."Ah, Orochimaru. Long time, no see." Danzō greeted when he recognized the technique and voice."Danzō, what do you think you're doing?" Hiruzen demanded, and he sighed."It seems I'm in a bit of a bind." He said to himself."No shit, Sherlock." Tobirama muttered."Oh dear. It seems like the child is almost out of blood." Hashirama noticed, and the adults saw Nariko looking pale and ready to pass out with a pool of blood around her and on her clothes.
"Old man, can I kill him?" Orochimaru asked his former sensei."For treason of attempting to kill a citizen and ninja of this village, you may." Hiruzen said, and Danzō smiled."You may kill me, but there will be more enemies out there that will want the power this girl has. Watch your backs-" a snake from Orochimaru's mouth ejected a sword from its own mouth, stabbing Danzō in the head with the tip of the sword in the middle of his forehead. Nariko collapsed on the floor unconscious as the sword became a kunai and clattered next to her head.
Shukaku went back into Gaara unwillingly, and Naruto had a talk with the redhead. Orochimaru dismissed the Senjus and was allowed to escape with a truce that he will not attack the Leaf village for Nariko's sake. Kakashi appeared next to Hiruzen, and in a state of panic the two swiftly took Nariko to the hospital. Halfway there, Kurama's chakra enveloped her and slowly began to heal her. When they reached the hospital, a doctor and some nurses took her to a room to be treated. They got a type B blood bag, hooked it up into an IV, and Kurama let them stick the needle into her arm."In three days at most, she will be completely recovered." The doctor reported to the Hokage and Kakashi. They both nearly collapsed in relief and exhaustion, but went to go see the damage from the battle. All the injured were sent to the hospital, and the Sand ninja went back to their village to find out that Orochimaru killed the Fourth Kazekage. Gaara didn't know what to feel about it, and Temari and Kankuro were devastated. They sent their apologies and surrendered to Konoha, and the two villages agreed that they will renew their peace treaty once Nariko recovers. Orochimaru, who is the leader of Otogakure, sends the same message and they come to the same agreement. However, under certain conditions, Orochimaru will only completely agree to the treaty if he can have the Sharingans that Danzō possesses. Until Nariko recovers and Sasuke Uchiha, heir of the Uchiha clan, agrees to this, he will await his answer.

A/N hey guys. I managed to update twice in one day. Awesome. Anyway Idk about u guys but I'm so fucking glad I killed off Danzō. The guy was an asshole. To me, at least. I thought it would be better to kill him off earlier rather than later 'cause I don't plan on doing Kishimoto's version of Shippuden. I plan on making my own version. Technically, I'm already changing the timeline of Naruto, but that's beside the point. Danzō's dead, everyone is probably happy. And I'm sure the stuff I'm gonna put in the upcoming chapters will make u guys do the cha-cha slide. I'm happy with myself for even coming up with it. I'm not gonna spoil it though, so goodnight peeps. Or, good morning depending on the time zone you're in.

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