Be with you

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For this idea.. I blame Elmabj6 😂 I didn't do it properly though.. just twisted your twist dear😉


For the first time since Dec was brought to the hospital, everyone allowed themselves to smile genuinely, relaxing. They were not in a hurry to go home as Martin's wife was back from her home and joined Eomenn's wife in NewCastle. This let Anne and Christine to fuss over Dec to an extent that whenever they entered the room he acted as if he is alseep. The day slid to evening and even the judges visited him in hospital.

As the evening approached there was not a single moment when he was left alone as even when he wakes up after a sleep, he found either Ali or Anne near him. Ant also popped into the room a couple of times, both times when he was half awake as Ant silently kissed his hair and sat by him but went hurriedly out when he was about to wake up, sensing Ant's presence near him. Even with his family near, Dec felt an odd sensation of loneliness when he realised that Ant was avoiding him. The thought and the painkillers kicking in was too much for him and a few hours after waking up he slid into an exhausted sleep again...

As Dec woke up an hour after,  he felt an odd sensation in his head. He strained to see who was beside him and he saw his mom...
"Mom... you here?"

Anne was taken aback by that question  Sure he knew I will be here

"Yeah pet. I was here for 3 days"

"3 days?!"

"Declan? You don't remember waking up earlier?"


Anne was terrified seeing Dec's state. She hurried to press the bell to summon others.

"Mam what are you doing? I am okay ... Why are you calling anyone? I am fine like. ."

"Declan pet .. do you remember anything?"

"Yeah.. what did I forget..."
then past events dawn in him quickly "Shit! Samuel?"

"Yeah and you woke up this morning?"

"Yeah..I remember that...Ant was with me.."

Anne let out a relieved sigh.
"Ohh dear don't do that to me again!!"

Everyone barges into the room hearing the bell and Dec felt an odd embarrassment for causing it.

Dec: "Wow that's a huge commotion you called for mam"

Nurse: "What happened Mrs Donnelly? "

Anne: "Ohh I am sorry.. when he woke up, he didn't remember anything so I thought.."

Nurse: "That's fine.. It can happen when he is on meds. Nothing to worry about ... You okay sir?"

Dec: "Yeah.. just a bit of pain"

Nurse: "That will go.. It is quite a gash you've got there"

Dec just smiled and looked around. Then he looked at his mother "Mam..Where's Ant?"

Martin laughed "You are never happy with us, are you? "

"Martin!" Anne chastised "He is here somewhere.."

Dermott: "He was with us when we entered. Where did he go now? I saw him leaning to the door a moment ago"

Dec: "Can you call him?"

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