Nothing's Over. . . Yet

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Dec felt an odd sensation of fear when he saw Samuel . The man looked very much relaxed and even after being in handcuffs, he doesn't let go of his arrogance. He had a slight smirk on his face as he walked to the exit flanked by the cops. Dec briefly looked at Ant, who held his brows tight and Dec had seen him many times like this to know that Ant must be gritting his teeth. Samuel still had that winning smirk on his face . But as the cops who held him stopped in front of Alph, and he saw Declan.. his smirk fell, and was replaced by frustration and rage.

He growled at Dec. "You didn't take that car"

Dec looked at Samuel in dumbfounded shock while Ant tightened his knuckles.

Samuel looked at Dec with pure hate "You didn't die"

Samuel felt a fist cracking his jaw as Ant struck him with all his might. Dec was shocked at Ant's action and he pulled Ant away, as Alph moved between them and Samuel "This is highly inappropriate Mr McPartlin"

Ant:"Not when he is threatening Dec in front of me.."

Alph: "That's why we are here.So please calm down and let us do our duty" He turned to the man in handcuffs but was taken aback to see blood flowing from his mouth. The punch was not that hard.

As everyone looked at him in astonished silence, suddenly and awkwardly Samuel raised his handcuffed hands to his mouth and pulled out something. Alph couldn't act fast and nor could anyone. Ant, Ali and the whole set of cops could only watch in terror as he lunged forward and pushed Ant aside .

And Ant was too late to shout "Dec!!!!!"

The next thing he saw was Dec falling to his knees holding the side of his neck, screaming...As Dec's knees gave away and he sank to the ground Ant slid under him to break his fall and pulled Dec to his chest. He took his jacket and applied pressure to Dec's neck as the smaller man showed signs of passing out. Ali pried herself from shock and sat beside her husband, fear and tears rocking her frame. "Dec.. Dec oh no... Dec.."

Alph pulled Samuel away and punched him in the gut before a few cops took him away leaving the officer to call for immediate medical assistance. A few other cops started giving the primary first aids for Declan. Alph called the medic and watched in fear at the three people on the ground in tears while Ant's white shirt started to turn crimson.

Ant's POV

After punching Samuel, I did feel a lot more satisfaction. I didn't care Alph chastising me as I saw Samuel looking at me in fury .But his eyes were also shifting to Dec in intervals. I was suddenly distracted to see that his mouth was bleeding  My punch was not that hard

I know neither Dec nor Alph is happy with my act.But I don't care; not when it is about Declan. I knew Dec is terrified of my act and I was half turned to reassure him when I saw Samuel moving..

He pushed me aside and lunged at Dec and I see something small...steel.. and shiny in his hand. Fear coursed through my body as the only thing I could do was to yell out "Dec!!!!!"

Before I could process what was happening, Dec's knees fall to the floor, blood flowing freely from his neck, collar and now spreading down his shirt .

No!! Dec Dec.... His balance begins to sway and I on instinct slide under him,pulling him to me Declan!!

The blood was flowing in abundance and I take off my jacket, hold him to my lap and place the jacket to his neck to apply pressure. Ali was beside me in terror and tears and I can do nothing to comfort her. I didn't see cops taking Samuel but within seconds, they were near me, giving Dec the primary precautions as they called for medics. Dec's pained and frantic eyes find me and he looks at me in panic "Ant.."

I feel fear chocking my senses as I hear his voice wheezing and strained.

"Decky.. Don't talk.. you will be alright Decs, don't talk man.. keep calm" But I know my own voice is anything but calm.

"Ant.. Ali..take care of.. her..Ant.."

"Decs please you are going to be okay.. just calm down man"

"An..t.. I am afr..aid.. Ant .." Dec's cheeks were soaked in tears of pain and fear as he strained to tell Ant all he had to

" mom..Ant th it m..m mee Aanhth.. I wan na liv..."

You are going to live Declan I assure him in my mind. I couldn't voice it as tears chocked my eyes and throat and I let them all fall freely so that I could assure my only friend that he is going to live. He must!

Third POV

Ant couldn't stop his tears as his friend struggled to say his name.He tries hard to comfort him as tears choked him. At last he let it all go and pulls Declan close to his chest "Decky fight for me man... nothing will happen to you .. You have my word Decky...I love you pal... don't sleep kidda... stay awake for us man.. for me..."

Ant pulls Dec closer and caresses and kiss his cheeks and hair as Ali watch it all in fear and panic.
Fight for me Dec..We can't live without you she prays

Ant tries to comfort Dec as possible as he can as cops tried their best to lessen the blood flow. Dec was still looking at Ant, a lot of emotions going through his mind and Ant couldn't hold the silent tears as he bit his tongue hard so as to not to voice it. "An..t.. your shirrtht hhth "

Ant looks at his shirt to see bright red. Dec can never handle the sight of blood "Declan.. kidda.. look into my eyes pal.. look at me Decs.." and Dec does that. Dec looks straight at him with eyes filled with pain, fear and somewhere inside a deep hint of affection... a hint of gratitude.. a hint of... loss . A look that will haunt Ant for the rest of his life.
"You will be alright Decs.. trust me"

Ant feels fear coming back in full swing as the stretcher arrives and Dec is taken away from his lap. But as he is lifted to the stretcher, he holds on to Ant's hand tight and looks at him in urgency "Ant.... pr..ay for me...I.. lufv lofv you ...tell Al.. Alii too I luvf.." his eyes were cringed in pain.

Ali moves close "I love you too Declan.. " Dec looks at her with whole love he could put in his looks and then turns to Ant in panic as his senses start to give up  "Anhh.."

"Dec.. don't give up kidda.. I love you too.. you will be alright.....Deckey.. fight for us!" Ant's eyes meet the drowsy eyes that are miserably trying to stay open but failing. As it slowly gives up and closes, the strong hold on his hands slacken and Dec's arms fall loose to his sides
Decky!!!! .....

As Dec is taken to the ambulance, Ant holds a distraught Ali close to him, both seeking comfort in each other's warmth.

Alph slowly walks to them and puts his arms on Ant's shoulder

" You coming?"


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