He Can Hurt Us

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I took my time and changed the story a little bit as it had instances that were difficult for me to write and probably for you to read. I am continuing the story but if anyone doesn't feel to support this story or is not yet ready to read further, I clearly understand. I had already written the chapters and I don't think I should keep it for another day. I have cut many twists I wanted to bring which you will understand once you read the story, to make it lighter and less troublesome, unlike other chapters. I am not justifying this act but in this situation, I felt it be the best thing to do.

I am continuing the story as there are people who want me to and if anyone doesn't feel comfortable with my story, I clearly understand your position☺


"Keep counting Mr Donnelly...."

As they went to the Palladium in their car, Ant puts an arm around Dec. Only then did Stephen see tremors attacking Dec. His eyes were wide and body shaking visibly.

Ant held him close and soothed "Calm down Dec, no one will hurt us. Nothing will go wrong Dec, it's all okay now. Everything's solved"

Dec: "Nothing's solved Ant, nothing's fine. It's him.. it was him always.."

Ant: " Dec.."

Dec: "He said to me..."

Ant:" What?!"

Dec: " When you went with Stephen, he said to me"

Ant:" You spoke to him?"

Dec: "No.. he did.. he said you were lucky"

Dec's voice was broken in pain, tears of fear welling up in his eyes.Ant see this and pull him close

Ant: "Decs.. calm down. I am fine see.."

Dec: "It's him Ant... and we can do nothing about it... He will try it again"

Ant still couldn't deny the fright that crept in his mind when he thought about the lift accident
If Dec had taken it

Ant: "Calm down Dec, cops have opened the case. Don't worry. He can't touch us anymore"

Stephen was shocked to speak anything. If what Dec says is true, which undoubtedly is,  then they have to be more careful.

Dec cushioned his head in Ant's collar bone and Ant realised that there is something more
"What is it kidda?".

Dec: "Ant.. he tried to split us.. he said I will.. he said I have motives, that I..."

Ant: "Don't! He is trying to wind us up you see,  he knows your weakness.. he knows your fright don't let him use that against you"

Stephen: "Guys, I have this feeling that he is not alone. Either he is asking someone to do these for him or there is someone else included in this whole mess with him.

Ant: " We have to be more careful. You to Stephen. Now that he knows you are with us"

Stephen : "I am just one of the witnesses Ant, don't worry . I am more worried for you guys"

Dec look at Ant in panic "Ant.. Ali!!"

Ant: "Calm down Dec, she is safe in James Grant. We can call her to tell not to go anywhere alone. And to call for Joe if she has to"
He then turns to their driver "Joe, go to Ali will you? Don't let her leave alone.Take Junior with you" He says turning to their bodyguard in front

Junior: "But sir.."

Ant: "She is our major concern. We have guards at BGT"

Stephen : "I will make sure of that"

As they reach the venue, Ant and Dec and Stephen walk to the building while Joe and Junior drove to where Ali is.


Even when the auditions started, Dec stood closer to Ant,as if afraid of losing him. He never let Ant out of sight even when he went to talk to the acts. Ant felt sad knowing that there is nothing that he could do to erase Dec's fright. But he tried to talk to him in vain "Dec.. listen to me mate. Don't be afraid kidda"

"I can't help it Ant.. nor could you. I know you are keeping it to yourself until night, to struggle with it alone. I can't do that "

Ant didn't say anything but just pulled him closer as he knew what Dec said is correct. He won't get any sleep today.

They didn't notice the new light technician talking to his sleeves.


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