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Dec's POV

    After I had willed the judges to press the buzzers, I look at Simon. I know that he is having the same thought as me. Why can't he just press it. I just want this to end even if it has been only a few minutes since his audition started. But Leon with a lighted wooden arrow is NOT something that I would appreciate. I could see the judges having the same confusion as me. I turn up the speakers we have at the wing to hear their voice and heard Alesha breaking the uncertainty surrounding the act and asking them to go for the buzzers: finally! I couldn't control a relieved sigh and at that moment I didn't care if I was being a controlled professional or not. But the relief stayed only for a few seconds before I saw the burning arrow being shot from Leon's hand surging up to meet the temporary ceiling that had been put up for his act.

      I watch in horror as the whole ceiling tumbled down and Leon jumping away from the falling poles. It was a moment in time before the crowd screamed and the whole back-ceiling came crashing down forcing me to jump back as the fire roared in rage. But everything- the scream, the fire, the smoke, the show went out of my sight as I watchef in sheer terror a pole crashing down, down to the stage, on the box, on Ant! I felt like someone has punched me on my gut taking my breath away.. It can't be happening... the show is safe... he is safe.. he will be .. he has to be.. oh oh no fire... it's in the fire.. he is on fire.. I am choking. I can't breathe out..I can't keep my mind shut out of thoughts.. I can't voice my thoughts.. as the whole place set into panic silence, I could only scream, forcing the choking fright to come out and hoping Ant would hear me no..noo Ant.. .. Anth..

"Anth!! ...No!!.."

     I am out of my senses, out of everything happening around me.. I am numb; the sight of the whole stage in fire and smoke was nothing to me. My eyes were trained on to the burning box at the other side of the stage. In it, my friend.. my soulmate.. my lifeline. Pure love and affection added the fright I had for his life. I couldn't think of anything else other than my best friend now inside the burning box. That's when I did it. I set out to the burning stage from the wings.....and ran for the box.

Third POV

The moment the fire caught the ceiling, crew and medics were ready to put it out. But the wood and paper of the temporary ceiling were putting up a good fight. They were about to re-evaluate their plans when they saw the pole falling on the wooden box and the panicked silence of the place torn by Dec's scream. That was all they needed to spur into action with their routine drills and give their best to save their friend before it is too late. But what they didn't plan for or even anticipate was the brown hair that poked out from the wing- ready to surge through the fire.

       Simon could only watch in sheer panic as his show took such a terror turn. He was beyond terrified for Ant. He could hear Amanda in frightful tears trying to hold it and Alesha letting the emotions take hold of her and breaking down. David was holding her but Simon knew he was also at the breaking point. He could also hear prayers, whimpers and terrified murmurs from the crowd. He was afraid to look onto the stage as he didn't know what news he would have to face once the fire is down. He saw Stephen hopping down from his side of the stage only to walk through the ground and jump on to the other side. It was this calculated move of Stephen that reminded Simon of the distressed best mate at the other side of the stage. He was about to voice his relief of Stephen's sensible move when he saw a little man in sandy brown hair running on to the stage, to the fire. The whole crowd and crew screamed in horror and Simon could only call out  "Dec!!!!..."

Dec was out of the wings and about to pass a fiery firewall of a fallen curtain when he was rugby-tackled into the stage by members of the crew and Stephen. Stephen pulled him to the side stage as Dec struggled from his hold, clearly unaware of the arms of his jumper in smoke as the fire got to lick it for the split of a second. Stephen held a struggling Dec to his chest while a couple of  crew members held his flailing arms and legs from hurting him. "Ant!!! Let me go... let me go... he is in trouble .. fire  .. me go... Ant.. Ant its fire ... me go... to Ant.. "
Stephen couldn't make out his words but was very much aware of the panic and distress his friend had. "Dec... he will okey.. calm down man.. the medics are here we all are here.  Anthony would be fine.. please.. Dec hold yourself.. Ant will be ..  he will be.. safe.. "

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