Not Again...

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Decs POV

It's been 10 mins since we entered our rooms.  Why isn't Ant out yet? He should be here by now, all annoyed and grumpy for me being late. Maybe he is trying to trick me to go first? Should I go to him? Nah. We never do that. I always made him wait for me and he always waited for me. Why change that today?  But this IS unusual for him.

At last I decide to swallow my pride and go to him. Well, there is a first time for everything. I walked to his room and knocked "Ant. Ant it's me . Its time man, Let's have lunch early today like everyone . Come fast!!"

I hear no reply. This is so unlike Ant. I try the handle and it opens. I enter confused "Ant.. where.. you.."
I couldn't say more as I felt something hot rushing to my lungs and mouth. I instinctively covered my face with my sleeve and moved out of the room. As I look back from the corridor, all I could see was a dense mist like substance flooding the room. And amidst them , on the floor, a blurring figure of dark hair and pale face. I felt every fear that I went through two days before, coming back in full power. I can't go in . If I too get exposed to whatever that is, it would only tighten the risk. I want someone!

"Roy.. Medic..  HELPP.. Helpp
I cry out and look around frantically to see no one. Everyone had gone for lunch. My eyes started to water and heart started to beat fast. I have to do something! Before it is too late! With one look at the receding image of Ant and a silent plea for his well being, I ran for the medic's room.

Third POV

It was a rather pleasant day for Roy and Shean as they ate their sandwiches with the intention of skipping the lunch like everyone else. There had been only minor incidents like sprains or cuts among the crew today. They were talking about football injuries and how Roy once had to fix Beckham when he fell on the field, that the shorter presenter came running to their room. Even if they pass through corridors or meet at canteens, they never have judges or hosts in their room for any emergencies. There were adequate runners in the crew for that. So when Declan barged into their room with a hitched breath, sweat and tears, they stood up in fear. "Ant.. in the room.. can't breath.. gas.. he'z unconscious"

Shean pulled the panicking presenter close and asked him gently.. "Dec, we cannot understand if you say like that. So.. calm down.. tell us".

Dec was frustrated by then. Each second is precious!!
"I can't calm down Shean. Ant is unconscious in his room. There is some sort of gas in there. I tried to enter but couldn't! He is not responding to my calls!!.. Please do something, fast!"

Roy's mind was calculating by then. Gas leakage? But how? The only equipment there, are a refrigerator and air conditioner. But the leakage from either one of them would not affect anyone. Would that? But the terrified look on the frantic presenter said otherwise. Roy immediately went to their gear shelf, took a pair of masks while Shean took the oxy kit and medications used for such conditions. Without wasting another second, the three of them ran to where Ant was.


As they reached the dressing room, Roy and one other medic they got on the way entered the room with mask gears for such situations as Dec stood with Shean in the corridor. After some seconds,  the two of them came out of the room half carrying and half dragging an unconscious Ant. As they laid Ant on the floor, Dec and Shean went near them, Roy and Shean immediately diagnosing Ant's condition, while the other medic went inside to open the windows and find the possible source of the leak. Ant was fully knocked out and his limbs were turning pale. More importantly his breathing was so dangerously low.

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