With You...

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"This is not an accident!Is it Ali?"

"No Ant"she says in a small voice "All we know is that the gas is nothing that could come from an Air Cooler"


"Isn't that obvious? "

"Does Declan know?"

"He will figure that out for sure. You know him"

"No I don't. He took away our only manager" Ali blushed deep at that.

"You know Ant, I used to wish for you both to be together"


"Not anymore" They both laugh at that.

"I am glad that he found you Ali, you make him happy"

"I am relieved that you do. When we started going out, that was the only fear I had. I know I don't stand a chance if you were against us" *

"That's not strictly true. I just want him happy Ali"

"I know. I have been with you for so long . I know your love for each other"

At that moment, Georgie enters the room. "Hello.... I have called Jonathan and Stephen... they were all really worried out there. They said Dec was really lost without you. You spoke to him?"

"Yeah" Ant's face falls "I don't know how he did that. I can't help feeling proud that he soldiered on in that situation"

Georgie: "That's right "

Ali looks at Georgie "Did you file the complaint?"

Georgie: "No. Simon asked Alex to do it before us. It will go from BGT. They are all afraid for you Ant, and also for Dec"

Ant: "They should be, we are a fa-mi-ly" he laughs "I should thank them all. Nowadays I am thanking everyone out there on a daily basis"

"That's not funny Ant" Ali chastised "You want me to call Christine or Sarha?"

"Ohh no. Don't do that. You heard the doctor. I am well" He chuckles

Ali : "Yeah, I heard what he said Ant, that you are Lucky!" Ali said, her throat catching.

Ant sobers at that "Don't tell that to Declan though.He don't wants to know the details."

Ali sighs "Keep him company Georgie, I have to collect the reports from the doctor. I for the hell need a pay rise Ant" she tells as she moves to the door

"I gave you my best man Ali, what more can you expect" he shouted and Ali giggled at that as she went out.


Back at the audition venue, things were not going good for Dec. Now he was stuck with the yearning for meeting Ant and to see him alive and smiling with his own eyes. Stephen could see that Dec's face had relaxed and he is much more approachable for everyone now, But the fear that was in his face is now replaced with impatience as he just wanted to get out of there. His prayers were answered a few more hours later when auditions were over for the day. He had decided to skip the after party and go to the hospital when he came across Jonathan and Stephen.
"Let's go" said Jonathan.

Three of them got into Dec's car and Joe started the car. Dec saw through mirror, the judges getting into another car.

As they reached the hospital, Dec jumped out and ran to the reception. The ginger receptionist was taken aback by the presence of the two men in front of her. She looked at Dec and Stephen in awe.

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