Can you Forgive?

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Ali snapped quickly from her shock and pulled them apart. Dec stood there holding his cheek , his eyes trained to the floor while Ant stared in disbelief at his palm that had hurt his only friend. Both had tears in their eyes. Anger, Shock, Grief and Pain took hold of Dec as he leaned against the box and slowly slid himself down to sit on the floor with his sobbing face between his legs, arms hugging his knees close together.

Ali went to him and rubbed his back up and down comforting him. Ant couldn't believe what he had just done. How could he do that to Dec?
But he knew why Dec's words had set him off like that. He don't want Dec to lose Ali. He knew how painful it is to move apart from your only love and he would never let his friend through that fate. He carefully made his way to Dec and crouched down on his knees. He put his hands on Dec's shoulders and coaxed him to look into his eyes "Sorry.. pal..I am so.."
His apology was cut out by Dec, who held his shirt and pulled him close, to lay his head on Ant's chest and sob.

Ant couldn't hold his own tears now flowing freely while his friend, whom he had hurt seconds ago held him close and wept. Dec's muffled voice from somewhere around his chest vibrated through him "I know Ant.. I am so sorry.. I was so afraid, I was sad, I was angry... I just did what I felt ; said what I thought..." He looked at his wife who was now sitting close to them giving him as much comfort as she can. He felt guilt welling up inside him realising what all he had said to her "Ali.. I am so sorry.. I don't know what came over me.. I...dont.. know..."

He sobbed harder and this time Ali too wrapped her hands around him, she and Ant making a cocoon for him to cry in person.
A few seconds had passed before they became aware of a figure looming over them.
"Err guys, I have made everyone mind their own business. But I honestly think you should move from here before attracting another commotion"

Stephen's words made them realise where they are.

Ant raised his head from Dec's sandy-brown hair pillowed at his neck and looked around.

"Ooh Shit!!!"



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