Chapter 31

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When I wake up the next morning, Michael is still asleep. His arm is around me so I slowly slip out from under it and stand. I stretch, then go to the bathroom. When I get back to Michael's room, he's still asleep, just curled to the other side. I climb back into bed and grab my phone. It has blown up with notifications.

Confused, I unlock my phone. I scroll through my twitter feed until I reach Michael's most recent tweets.


So glad to be back in Aus. Before we left, my girlfriend got in a bad car accident that put her in a coma. I haven't seen her since then.


I should've told you before, but I've found someone that makes me happy. We've been together for a little over 4 months.


Love you baby, To The Moon. @hemmos18

My heart skips a beat. We had talked about going public before, but I didn't know if he was actually gonna do it. I didn't want his fans to hate him, but apparently he doesn't care anymore. I lick my lips and tweet him back.


. @Michael5SOS And Back.

Michael had changed his icon to a picture of us he took last night. I do the same, but using a picture from the first night we hung out. I roll over and read through replies.




I bet she a hoe #ThotsOnThots


Guys if Mikey's happy then we should be happy. Welcome to the fam, girl.


LuKeS sIsTeR???? But...but...MUKE AF FOR LIFE

They're not too bad, thank god. I look through my tags. Most of them are just to pictures taken while the boys were on tour. But one in particular...


. @hemmos18 sorry to burst your bubble...but you might wanna look at this if you havent talked to mikey yet. her name is Abigail Breslin.

I go to google and look up 'Michael Clifford and Abigail Breslin'. I didn't mean to creep, but curiosity got the best of me. Pictures load up to google of Michael and this other chick out on a date, by the looks of it. Jealousy takes over me and I put my phone down, locking it but keeping it on google. I plug it back in and wait for Michael to wake up.

About 20 minutes later, after I had dozed off, I am awoken by a shift in the mattress. I turn and look, Michael flipped around and is facing me, his eyes blinking open. "Good morning, beautiful." He croaks in his raspy (and very sexy) morning voice.

"Hey. I was waiting for you to wake up. We need to talk."

Michael sits right up. "What. What's wrong?"

"Well, first off, I saw the tweet."

"Oh, Shay, I should've asked you. I'm sorry."

"Oh my gosh, no. I'm not mad about that. Not at all. I'm actually very impressed, I love you."

"I love you, too. Now, what did you need to talk about?"

"Not what. Who."


"Does the name Abigail Breslin mean anything to you?"

Michael pales a little. "No. Why would it?"

I grab my phone and show him the pictures from google. "Why are you lying to me, Michael?"

"Babe, she means nothing to me."

"Is that what you told her about me?" I ask, my eyes welling up with tears.

"Shay, we didn't do anything!"

"Then why the hell did you lie about her!?"

"I didn't want you to get mad at me!"

"Look at how that worked for you." I stand up and grab my stuff from the floor, throwing it in a bag.

"Where are you going?"


"Why? Shay, talk to me."

"I tried, Michael, and you lied."

"Try again."

I throw my bag against the wall and it crashes to the floor. "Who is she."

"She's a singer. She was talking about the possibility of opening for us if we go on tour."

"With just you?"

"Everyone else was busy. Luke didn't want to be near me."

"I have a hard fucking time believing that everyone was busy. Please, tell me the truth, Michael. I'll be less angry."

"Fine!" He sighs loudly. "Yeah. I went on a date with her. It's when I thought you were dead. Everything was looking down for me, and she asked me to go on a date. I told her I was with you. We went out as friends."

"Friends don't make out!"

"We never made out!"

"That's not what twitter says!"

"Oh, yes. And you should believe everything you see on the internet."

"Everything else has been true! Like the fact that you went on a date while I was half-dead in the hospital!"

"I'm sorry, okay?"



"It's not okay. Cause it's just gonna get worse and worse, and you're gonna think it's okay to cheat on me. I can't do this."

"Can't do what?"

"This. You're gonna be gone all the time. You lied to me, about supposedly nothing. You're gonna find someone else. I don't think I can be with you, Michael."

"Shay, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying we need to take a break." I say, then gather my stuff and leave.


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