Chapter 12

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I wake up to my phone buzzing in my ear at 2 am. I have quite a few new texts, all from the same person.

From Big Red Dog


Can we talk?

Are you asleep already?


I guess Ill just tell ya

So, I was extremely mad earlier - jealousy most likely. I dunno..just seeing you and Cal getting all up close and personal with each other - I didnt like it. I wanted it to be me. You know we still haven't kissed? I mean yeah, we've done other stuff, but I want to feel your lips against mine. I really like you, Shay. Please don't go kissing other guys again. I dealt with it last night, but I don't wanna go through that again. I promise I won't do it to you, either. Ill see you in the morning, beautiful.

I chew on my lip a little. That was really sweet. I mean, if he's getting jealous, that means he really cares for me, yeah? I roll over and send a text to him.

TO Big Red Dog

Hey Mikey - that all means so much to me. Im sooo sorry that you had to see that :/ I didnt want to, I promise. Its a pride thing I guess. Me and Luke have this competition thing with truth or dare - but I shouldve thought about it before I did it. I promise I won't do it again - I reallyyyy like you too. Ill talk to you later babe ;*

After I send the text, I roll over and fall asleep again. In the morning, Allie wakes me up by jumping on my legs. "Shayyyyyyyy." She says, shaking my shoulders.

"What?" I groan and sit up.

"Wake up. I wanna go back in Luke's room." She smiles.

"Of course you do. Just give me a minute. I gotta look at least a little presentable."

"Ooooh. For Calum?"

"Oh my god. No."

"You dig, don't you? That's who you dressed up for last night!" She gasps. "You were sitting next to him and everything. Omg."

"Oh my gosh Allie shut the hell up no."

"Fine, fine. We'll talk about it later." She winks at me.

"Alright, but there isn't anything to talk about." I stand and stretch. I run a brush through my hair, then put on a sports bra. I sleep in a black tanktop and my black spandex shorts so I pull on a pair of red-and-black checkered pajama pants. "This is as good as I'm gonna get. Let's go." I walk across the hall and knock on Luke's door. He doesn't answer, so I just open the door and we walk in.

"What are you doing?" Luke asks, his voice raspy.

I shrug. "Good morning?" Ashton bursts out laughing. "What?" I ask, running a hand through my hair.

He points at me, then Luke. "You guys are twinning." He says, then laughs again.

I look at Luke. He's wearing a ratty black tanktop and matching pj pants. I laugh. "That's good. We really are twins, huh?"

"Mom got us these pants at the same time, Christmas I think." Luke shakes his head to fix his hair.

"I think that's funny." Ash smiles.

Michael stands up, his hair sticking every which way, and leans against the wall. His eyelids keep drooping and he crosses his arms. "It is, mate." God, his morning voice is sexy.

"I'm cold." I rub my hands on my arms. "Someone warm me up?"

"Come on over." Michael says after a short pause. He opens his arms and I lean against his chest. He holds me close to him, rubbing my exposed arm.

Allie walks past us and sits on Luke's bed. He pulls her between his legs and wraps his arms around her waist. He nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck, leaving small kisses on her neck and cheek.

"Thanks, Mike." I step away from him, just to make sure Luke doesn't think anything of it.

"No problem." He runs a hand through his hair.

"So, what are you guys doing in here already?" Calum asks.

"Allie was missing her man." I laugh.

"Shay! Luke! Come here, please." Mom yells up the stairs.

Luke and I groan simultaneously and go down the stairs. Mom is in the kitchen, making breakfast. "What's up, mom?" I ask.

She looks up and laughs. "You guys are matching. Twins for life. Anyway, I'm making breakfast for you and your friends. Just make sure your rooms are picked up for later, okay? Breakfast will be ready in 15."

"Thanks, mommy. Do you want any help?" I ask.

"Uh, no. I got it. Thanks though. Have fun, guys, be down soon."

"Of course!" Luke tries to sound upbeat. We both go back upstairs and he collapses on his bed again, holding Allie close to him.

"Breakfast is gonna be ready soon." I say. We hang out in Luke's room until we have to go downstairs, then we head downstairs. We eat and talk and laugh, then go back up to Luke's room. The boys have to leave pretty early, and Allie goes with them so Michael can give her a ride.

I knock on Luke's door frame. "Yeah. Come on in." He says from inside.

I walk in and sit on his couch. "So, you and Allie?" I ask.

"What about it?" He asks.

"Are you guys dating yet?"


"Well are you gonna ask her?"


"You better."

"Yeah, I really like her."

"Me too, so please don't hurt her."

"I won't, Shay."



"Good. Cause I'd have to kill ya." I wink and go back to my room. I clean my room since mom told me to. When I'm done, I have a new text.

From Big Red Dog

That was fun and all, but its time we hang out alone. Wanna come over later?

TO Big Red Dog

Sure. How long? I can tell my mom I'm going to Kaitlyn's or Allie's.

From Big Red Dog

How long would you want to stay?

TO Big Red Dog

Would your parents let me stay the night? ;)

From Big Red Dog

Well, we don't have to worry about that since they're gone until Wednesday. But come over whenever ;)

TO Big Red Dog

I'll see what I can do ;)

I go downstairs to talk to mom. "Hey mama, I was invited to a friend's house for the night. Is that okay?"

"Yes, as long as your home at a reasonable time tomorrow. You know that family is coming over and I want you to have enough rest before finals start."

"Of course, mama. Thank you." I give her a hug.

"No problem, honey."

I run upstairs and pack my pajamas (including the black and red pants), personal hygiene things and a t-shirt for tomorrow. I change into a gray zip-up sweatshirt and a white tanktop, throwing a pink skirt in my bag. When I'm ready, I text Michael to tell him I'm leaving and I go downstairs. "See you later, mom."

She hugs me and says goodbye, then I take the car and go. When I'm a good distance from my house, I pull over and change from the sweats and into the skirt. If I was wearing the skirt, mom would've gotten suspicious. I push the speed limit, making it to Michael's in record time. I grab my bag, take a deep breath and walk to the door. This is the first time I've spent the night at a guys house that I've been interested in, let's see how this goes.

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