Chapter 20

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The next three days are absolute hell. The grounded thing isn't even the worst part, it's all of the tests. As soon as the bell rings on Thursday, I find Luke and attack him in a flying hug (which makes the ladies hanging off his arm angry.) and he spins me around. He sets me down and I get glares from all the girls, which I find hilarious. Allie finds us and hugs us, then gives Luke a passionate kiss, which causes the other girls to roll their eyes and walk away.

We all walk to the car, talking a laughing, all happy that summer is finally here. We all get in the Jeep, then head back to my place. Allie and Luke head upstairs and I walk into my parents room. "Hey, mommy?" I say tentatively.

"No." She says immediately.


"You can't go anywhere tonight. You're grounded until tomorrow."

"Oh, I know. That's why I'm asking about going out tomorrow."

"Depends. What are you doing?"

"Well, Michael's parents came home today and he wanted me to meet them, but I told him I was grounded until tomorrow. So they want to take me out to lunch, then Allie invited me over for the night."

"Oh. You can go meet his parents tomorrow, we'll have to talk to your father about going to Allie's."

"Thanks mom!" I give her a hug. We talk about finals a little, then I go to Luke's room to hang out with them. "This isn't fun." I say after a while, frowning.

"Oh please, Shay. You know how many dates I third-wheeled for you?" Luke says.

"Right back at you!" I laugh a little.

"What are you talking about?" Allie asks.

"Well, our parents never technically let us date. So I would say that his girlfriends were my friends and we would hang out, then to be a good sister I would invite Luke along. He did the same for me." I explain.

"Aw. You guys are so sweet to each other!" Allie smiles at Luke.

"Yeah. I love her, when she's not a fag." Luke says happily.

"Screw you." I say, then leave the room. I call Michael. "Heyyyy." I say, dragging out the 'y'.

"Hey beautiful. What's up?"

"Bored. Allie's over here and I'm still grounded."

"Why aren't you hanging with them?"

"I was. I got lonely."

"I miss you."

"I miss you, too." I whine a little.

"When can I see you?"

"Tomorrow. Mom said I can go to lunch with you guys."

"Sweet! And, uh, what about after?"

"She said we'll talk to dad later about if I'm allowed to go to Allie's or not tomorrow night."

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah. What should I wear tomorrow?"

"Doesn't matter. You'll look good in anything."

"Aww, babe." I smile. "But hey. No funny business tomorrow, like what went down around your bandmates. I want to make a good impression."

"We'll see about that."




"Yes, baby girl, daddy promises."

"Good." I giggle a little. "Can't wait for some alone time with you, daddy."

"I know." He sighs a little. "I really miss seeing your pretty little face between-"

"Hey!" Luke yells, walking in to the room. "Don't talk about my baby sister like that." He says.

"Luke?" Michael asks from the phone.

"Yeah, man. You're on speaker."

"Have you been listening to this whole conversation?" Michael asks, sounding uneasy.

"Nah. I just walked in."



"Doesn't matter. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah dude. You can count on it."

"Good. Now, can I talk to my girlfriend now?"

"Sure thing." Luke walks out of the room.

"So, that happened." I laugh a little, feeling uncomfortable.

"At least he's cool with it now."

"So true. Speaking of, how's your face?"

"To be honest, it's still a bit bruised. For a scrawny guy your brother sure packs a punch."

"You could've beaten the shit out of him. Why didn't you?"

"He was just angry, he obviously got over it. But he's your brother, the one guy, besides your father, that will always be there for you. I can't promise that I will because I don't want to break any promises. I knew that if I did anything, it would only end up bad for me. Plus, at first, it just shocked me. I didn't think he had it in him."

"Babe I know that you'll always be here for me. I think you're an absolute sweetheart, too. But I've gotta go, unfortunately. Talk to you later."

"See you tomorrow, baby."

"Byee." I say, then hang up. I pick out an outfit for tomorrow, jean shorts and a nice tanktop, then lay back in bed. I get mixed emotions about tomorrow, what if his parents don't like me? What if they don't want him seeing me anymore? I don't think I could handle losing him right now, my feelings for him are too strong.

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