Chapter 6

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"Shay. Psst, Shay!"

"Hmm?" I rub my eyes, then open them. I squint at the person standing in front of me. "Yeah?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly.

"Were you sleeping?"

"Yeah, I was." I sit up and rub my eyes again, then stretch. "You need something?"

"Nah, just wanted to talk." Michael sits next to me.

I turn to face him, crossing my legs and pulling them close. I put my elbows on my knees. "Sup?" I run a hand through my hair.

"Nothing." Michael shrugs. "Luke ran up to go change and I've never been here before."

"Yeah, alright. What do you wanna talk about?"

"I dunno. Anything, I guess. 20 questions?"

"Sure. Shoot."

"Uh, are you in a band?"

I laugh. "No, I just play with Luke sometimes."

"Nice. Your turn."

"Oh gosh. Uhm..what's your natural hair color?"

"Blonde. Favorite color?"

"Orange. Birthday?"

"November 20th, '95. Can I have your number?"

I blink. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Your number. Can I have it?"

"That was pretty smooth. Yeah, lemme see your phone." He hands it to me and I put in my phone number (as Shay Da Bae :P ) and also add my snapchat. I hand his phone back and pull out my own. "Text me so I have your number."

"Hmm, I will."

I add Michael's snapchat and wait. "So, you're not gonna text me?"

"I will, but at some other time." He winks. "You added snapchat, too?"

I shrug. "Yeah, why not?"

"Two for one." Michael raises his eyebrows. "Alright. Pretty sure it's your turn."

"Oh yeah. Uhh-"

"Ay! What are you guys doing?" Luke jumps over the back of the couch, landing next to me. I have to push over and am squished between him and Michael.

"I'm just getting to know him. I wanna be friends with these guys, cause I'll be hanging around them more?" I say, but it comes out as a question.

"Probably not." Luke rolls his eyes.

"We'll see about that." Michael mumbles.

"What did you say, mate?" Luke leans across me.

"Hmm? Nothing. She might be cool. Maybe she and Ash could work together on technique, or Cal could teach her bass." Mike shrugs.

"I dunno. I mean, you guys are my friends, she has others." Luke knits his eyebrows.

"Please, Luke. You're friends with all my friends, too. And you know they like you. I even let you hang with them."


"Maybe we can all hang out some time?" I suggest. "I can get my squad and you have your band."

"That's a lot of dudes, though." Luke frowns.

"What do you mean?" Michael asks.

"Her 'squad'," Luke rolls his eyes. "It's basically all guys."

"That's not true!" I butt in.

"Shay, how many of them are actually girls? Just name 'em off."

"Well...Kenny, Tristan, Jeff, Dylan, Tyler, Allie, Kaitlyn, Malorie and Hayley . That's an even number." I grin, proud of myself.

"That's a lot of friends." Michael looks surprised.

"Well, I'm closest with Kaitlyn, Dylan and Tristan. The others just join us sometimes." I shrug. "It really isn't that much. But we can clean up the basement, Luke, and have everyone over. Kinda like a small party or something. It'd be fun."


"As long as my friends don't try to hook up with your band. Hell no. I'll never let that happen." I say defiantly.

"Well, why not? I mean, if they're hot." Michael pouts a little.

I give him a disgusted look. "I said no."

"Fine, fine." He raises his hands in surrender.

Michael hangs out for a little while longer. When he gets home, he snapchats me. We have a small conversation, basically just him saying that we should continue our game, which we do. "I need to tell you something." Luke says, walking in to my room and sitting on the couch.

"What up?" I set my phone down next to me.

"There's a reason that I don't want you hanging around them."

"What? Why?"

Luke bites his lip, toying with his lip ring (that he got against moms will). "I don't trust them."

"Why not?"

"Well-not like that. I trust them with my life, they're my best friends. But with girls, I dunno. I just want to keep you away from that."

"Aw, Luke, that's sweet. But seriously, they seem like great guys."

"Who keeps snapchatting you?" Luke changes the subject, pointing to my phone by my knee.

"Allie." I lie.

"Who the hell is Allie?"

"You know, my new friend from New York."

"The blonde one?" I just nod. "Oh, she seems nice."

"Yeah. She'll probably hang around a bunch now."

"Nice! I mean, cool." He nods, biting his lip.

"Really, Luke, you need to stop that."


"The lip biting. It's an extremely bad habit."

"I know. I'm gonna go now." Luke stands.


"Yeah?" He turns in the doorway.

"I like the guys in your band, and I want to get to know them. Please?"

He sighs. "Fine. Sometime you will, but just cause you're pretty much the most important person in my life."

"Aw!" I put a hand over my heart, truly touched. "That's so sweet. Love ya!"

"Love you." He leaves my room and shuts the door behind him.

I turn my music back on and go back to my phone, snapchatting Michael. I feel kinda bad, like I'm betraying Luke, but what he doesn't know won't kill him, right? Plus, Mikey and I are just friends. Luke won't mind, will he?

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