Chapter 8

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When I wake up, I have 4 new voicemails, one from Luke and the other 3 from an unknown number. They were all left around 3 this morning. I listen to Luke's first.

"Hey, Shay. I'm gonna-I'm gonna need a ride later today." He hiccups, then laughs a little. "Aw, man, you shoulda seen what Ash just did! You would've laughed so hard. It was great." Someone talks in the background, but it's all muffled. "Alright, Shay. Talk to you later. I love, love, love you sissy. Bye."

His words are all slurred together and he just sounds off. He was obviously drunk. I roll my eyes at his stupidity and listen to the other voicemails.

"Hi Shay. It's Michael. I know you don't have my number, and you're probably asleep right now, but I wanted to call you. Now you have my number. Bye." That was extremely weird.

I play the next voicemail. All I hear is loud music and someone shouting. Michael yells into the phone. "Woo! Fuck you, bitch! Hope you're happy with that fuckboy!" The message cuts off.

I blink a couple times in surprise. Oo-kay. I listen to the final voicemail. "Hey Shay, it's me again. Just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to leave that last message and it was really really mean. I'm very sorry. Also, sorry for being a dick earlier. Can you call me? Or come over or something? Talk to you soon, hopefully. If you don't hate me. Bye."

Alright. That was probably the weirdest thing I've ever dealt with. What's going on with him? Obviously, him and the other boys got drunk, but why was he calling me? I just met him and I don't think he likes me very much.

Allie wakes up and rubs her eyes, then checks her phone. She blinks a couple times. "Do you know this number?" She asks, showing me her phone.

I look at it for a second, then knit my eyebrows. "Yeah, actually, I do. Why is Luke calling you?"

"That's Luke's number? How did he get mine?" I just raise my shoulders and shake my head a little. "Do you wanna listen to it with me?"

"Sure." I pat my bed and she sits next to me. Kaitlyn was sleeping up here but she must've moved because now she's on the floor.

"Alright." Allie plugs a pair of headphones into her phone. "Just in case it's loud."


She turns the volume up a little and clicks on the voicemail. "Hey, Allie? I hope this is Allie." Luke laughs for a solid minute. "Sorry. That was kind of funny. Anyway, I got your number from Mikey because he said I should call you because I couldn't stop talking about you because I think you're a cutie. Wanna hang out sometime? Oh, don't tell Shay though she'll kill me! Alright, bye bye!"

Allie looks at me. "Uhm, pretend you didn't hear that."

I look at her, a look of disgust on my face. "Why does Luke have to go after my friends! Ugh. There's plenty of other girls that like him, especially since the new hair and the lip ring and the singing or whatever. Why you."


"I didn't mean it like that! You're perfect, of course he likes you. But why do you have to be my friend?"


"I didn't mean it like that!" I exclaim.

Allie laughs. "I know, I know. I get what you're saying. Um, sorry?"

"Don't be. Do you dig?"

She shrugs. "I don't really know him. But hell yeah, he's extremely hot."

"Dammit." I sigh loudly. "Well, if I can't stop it, might as well help it. I'm totally hooking you guys up. You're gonna be at my house all the time."

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