Chapter 9

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Kaitlyn stayed the night again, we had a lot of fun teasing Luke because of his hangover. Obviously, I helped him hide it from mom, but it was still funny. The next day, I brought Kaitlyn home because she needed a ride, then I get gas and head home. I do the rest of my homework and snapchat Michael. After a while, he sends me a video.

"I don't know how you did it, but you're my top best friend. Congrats, cutie." He says, then winks.

I send him a video. "You gotta work harder, Clifford. You're still my number two. Step up ya game." I stick my tongue out and send it.

I set my phone down and focus on my history paper, cranking out two solid paragraphs before checking snapchat again. I laugh a little. In the short time I was working, Michael sent me 20 new pictures and 5 videos. I send him a picture of my history paper, telling him to quit it cause I need to work.

I get another video from him. "Alright. You do you, keep being studious or whatever. Even though it's lame." He captioned it 'hmu when youre done ;)' Duh.

I sigh a little and turn back to my computer, researching and writing my history essay. After I finish it, I do my Spanish homework, then maths. About 3 hours later, I'm completely done with homework for Monday and Tuesday. I send Michael a text, telling him I'm done.

TO Big Red Dog

Done. finally

From Big Red Dog

goddamn. how much homework did you have?

TO Big Red Dog

Hella. But I'm done with hw for tomorrow and Tues.

From Big Red Dog

Well then maybe we can get together tomorrow night ;)

TO Big Red Dog

Sounds good to me ;)

We text for a little while longer, then I go downstairs for family dinner. I leave my phone in my room. Luke and I sit across from each other and he kicks me under the table. 'We need to talk.' He mouths. I nod. 'After dinner.' I mouth to him and he nods.

Mom and dad sit down and we all eat, sharing stories about our weekends. We obviously don't go into detail, or else Luke would probably be grounded for life. Mom and dad think he's perfect, but I know otherwise. When dinner is over, Luke and I clear the dishes from the table and put them in the dishwasher, then I follow him up to his room.

"So what's up?" I close his door and sit on his bed, across from him.

"I've been texting Allie all day.." He plays with his fingers. I confronted him earlier about the voicemail he left her and told him I knew all about it because I heard it.


"I think I really like her. I want to get to know her better, I want to hang out with her. But it can't just be us, cause I don't want it to be awkward."

"Are you asking me to 3rd wheel on a date with you two?"

"Well, you're the common friend.."

"She's friends with Michael too, you know."


"Yeah. They're neighbors."

"Good to know."

I think for a second, then look up at him. "I think I have an idea."


"This weekend, maybe Friday or Saturday night, we could go out to a restaurant. Me, you, Allie, and the rest of your band." Michael. I think to myself.

"Yeah, I guess that sounds good."

"Yeah! That way I can get to know your band and you can get to know my friend."

"Cool. Sounds like a plan. I'll talk to the guys, you talk to Allie."

"Or maybe you can talk to Allie and I can ask her a little bit later."

"Okay...but what do I say?"

"Just be like 'I want to hang out with you. I've got plans with some people, wanna join?' or something like that. I don't know, I'm not a relationship master."

"Whatever. Thanks, sis."

"No problem. Do you want to play today or not?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you up there. Just give me a few minutes."

"Sure thing."

I go up to the garage and sit at my drumset. I send a text to Michael.

TO Big Red Dog

Yo. Lukes gonna talk to you about this, but I wanna say it first. This weekend, we're gonna go out. Me, you, Luke, Allie, Cal and Ash. Sound good?

From Big Red Dog

What if I want some alone time with you?

TO Big Red Dog

I'll make sure we get some. Why? Why would you want alone time?

From Big Red Dog

I think you know exactly what I want.

TO Big Red Dog

Well I guess we'll find out if you get it or not ;)

From Big Red Dog

I can't wait

"Who you texting?" Luke asks, walking up the stairs.

"Hm? Oh, Kaitlyn." I lie.

"You were smiling at your phone."

"That's cause I'm freaking hilarious."

"Sure. Alright, let's go." He grabs a guitar and starts a song immediately, obviously wanting to avoid conversation. I join in and we play for a while. When we're finished, I go to my room and snapchat Michael. After a while, I fall asleep texting him.

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