Chapter 26

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Shay's POV

After my outburst with Michelle, I go outside and run. I run until I reach the woodline, then I collapse. I pull my knees to my chest, bury my face and cry. Tears pour out of me like a waterfall. I can't believe she would do that. Well, scratch that. Yes I can, cause she's a class A bitch.

I hear footsteps coming my way, but I don't look up. I keep my legs held close to me. Branches snap and leaves crunch. I hear someone muttering a string of curse words. "Shay?" A sharp whisper breaks the silence.

The footsteps stop and the person lets out a huff of breath, then drops to sit next to me. Silence ensues for many minutes, until finally he breaks the silence. "Shay, will you look at me?"

I shake my head, even though it's hard to see.

"Well, will you talk to me?"

Again, I shake my head.

"Fine. You don't have to talk, but I will." He takes a deep breath. "Shay, I didn't want to do that with Kaitlyn. I was taking a page from your book, never backing down from a dare or whatever. I realize that was wrong of me and I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. But, you retaliated. Babe, I don't think you realize how much you broke my heart in there. You teased me, then went after my best friend? You knew it would make me mad, too. I don't understand.."

Michael trails off. I look up at him, my eyes red and my face puffy. I can feel tears streaking down my cheeks. "I'm sorry, okay?" I say angrily, then stand and start storming away. When I'm almost to my car, I get slammed into.

"Watch where you're going, freak." Michelle says.

I turn and look at her and immediately feel relief. Her nose is dripping blood and both of her eyes are bruised. Definitely a broken nose. Her jaw is red and starting to bruise. "Go choke on a dick, whore." I say, but my voice is all stuffy so it doesn't sound very angry.

Michelle and Christina go to their car and peel out of the driveway. I try to open my car door, but it's locked and I don't have my keys on me. I drop to the ground in exasperation, I'm definitely not going back there. I pick myself off the ground and start walking away.

"Shay! Shay, get back here." Michael jogs to catch up to me.

"What? You wanna try and make me feel even worse? You wanna yell at me some more about making you feel bad? Jesus Christ, Michael. I know I did the wrong thing. I don't need to hear it again!" My voice gets louder and louder until I'm shouting.

Michael blinks a couple times. "I'm sorry, Shay." He stays silent for a moment. "Can we - can we talk about what Michelle said?" He asks softly.

I purse my lips, then grind my teeth together. "What she says doesn't matter. You shouldn't be listening to her. She's a lying, backstabbing bitch."

"But is it true?" I don't answer, just turn away. Michael grabs my arm and pulls me to face him. "Is it true?" He asks again.

I open my mouth to answer, but instead tears start pouring down my face.

"What the fuck, Shay?" Michael yells. "How could you keep something like that from me?"

"I don't like to talk about it! It's in the past. Why does it matter?"

"It's something I should've known!"

"No one knows about it! I've told three people, and two of those people ended up turning around and stabbing me in the back. So no, I didn't wanna tell anyone else."

"I don't care, Shay. That's huge, for me. I would've liked to know."

"I get that, okay? You don't have to keep fucking saying it."

"You don't have to keep making out with my best friend."

Anger boils in my stomach. "Seriously? You're bringing this up again?"

"You never said anything about it."

"I was angry, Michael! You were fucking fingering my best friend. Yeah, I get the whole 'never back down from a dare' thing, but that was way too far. I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't."

"So you're blaming this on me?"

I shrug. "I don't know, Michael."

"I fucking said I was sorry!" He yells.

I take a deep breath. "Sometimes sorry isn't enough!" I say, and storm away from him.

I really should have looked where I was going before just storming off like that. My actions brought me to the middle of the road, where a car barreling along at 60 mph didn't see me. Since it didn't have it's headlights on, I didn't see it either. Time seemed to slow down, even though it took less than a minute. I turned to the sound of tires squealing, then all I felt was pain coursing through my whole body. I felt weightless, then the weight of the entire world came crashing down on me before everything faded to black.

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