Chapter 103 - Trial By Earth

Start from the beginning

Seeing this, Earth began to radiate earth energy, casting a brown colored glow across the arena.

Lux clapped his hands while commanding dagger to transform into thorny chains, He then whipped both ends at Earth and Space.
With a flick of his wrists, the chain curved around their necks and arms, He then instantly yanked them both towards himself while whirling the chains to further ensnare them.

Space was yanked backwards, and Earth was dragged off his Rocky Column head first.
All this happened in an instant, even Speed was impressed at the sudden movement of the chains.
It looked as if the Chains had always been there, He didn't even see them move through the air, which sparked a little fear of Lux deep down in his Mantle of Speed.
(Speed Doesn't actually have a heart, none of the Aspects do)

Lux then mentally commanded Dagger to drain any energy they use to escape.

He then loudly roared at them, "Enough! This Battle of the Aspect is meant to be peaceful, not a literal Battle of the Aspects!
If you keep acting wild, then I WILL TAME YOU!"

The Other Aspects backed away from Lux, all of them were creating shields to deflect any chains coming their way.

Speed and Darkness appeared on either side of Lux and tried to calm him down, "Billy, Let them go, they were just arguing."

Lux glared down at both Earth and Space and said in a menacing voice, "Are you still planning on fighting each other, or should I make the thorns bigger?"

Earth murmured, because of the chain in his mouth, "Wm won't fmht ammy more, pmmise. (we won't fight any more, promise.)"

Space on the other hand reated a portal where his mouth was on the otherside of the chain in his mouth and said quite clearly, "I'm sorry Billy, but you should really let us go or you could be in some trouble.
Look behind you."

Lux glanced over his shoulder and saw Fire, Water, Strength and Light all preparing to strike at him.
Even though He could probably take them all on, He kept up his charade as Billy Sticks.

So while laughing and a soft flick of the chains, Earth and Space was released and Dagger entered into Lux's palm like a slippery snake.

He then turned to the relaxing Aspects and said, "Everything is fine, I used to do that on scrapping wolves.
It always calmed right down, you've gotta be quick, mind you.
Those wolves were quick little buggers, once they start fighting, they won't stop till the other is dead. Hahahaha"

Strength, and Light shrugged at each other and mentally communicated using Soul-Waves, Light said to Strength "Aren't Mortals normally more subservient, they've never attacked an Aspect before, especially two of them in front of nearly all the other Aspects"

Strength replied with Puzzlement, "It's probably because he wasn't raised by proper, Aspect-fearing humans.
He did say He was raised by the forest, which are pretty brutal, worse than Hell, if you believe the Gossip-Birds."
(Gossip-Birds: small magpies which are mostly used as voice messengers, they only require scandalous gossip to be well fed, like journalists.)

Light rolled his eyes and then replied, "Let's keep an eye on him, just to try and prevent him from throttling anymore of our siblings, hmm?"

Strength winked at Light with all the stealth of a sprinting elephant, the small popping sound of his eyelid closing echoed across the arena.

Light shook his head at Strength in embarrassment as Earth created a stairway back up to his rocky column.

When He got to the top, He shouted, "Sorry about the interruption, but that was planned for later in the show!
Billy just misread the situation, it's not his fault, this is his first time taking part, hahahaha!"

The Tricksters Way Book 1: The Mortal UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now