Chapter 103 - Trial By Earth

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(Hello everyone, sorry the chapter was late but i didn't finish it on monday and I was busy tuesday and wednesday.
But the Chapter is here, as you can no doubt see, hahaha.
Though these Trials take a little longer to write, I have to triple check I haven't forgotten anyone (aspects mostly), I also have to plan interactions between the Aspects and stuff, (long list, like someone down below, hahaha! Not funny, you'll get later...)
I have also added a rule to the Battle of the Aspects, "two contestants can't receive the same result during the same trial."
Just to make it easier to calculate the winner.
I have also been thinking about some changes to the ending as well, now it should be epic and explain the Mortal Universe and Sofia.
But enough from me, enjoy.)

Fire laughed loudly and then pointed at the scoreboard, "And here are the results of my Trial.

Strength - 1 point
Water - 4 points
Air - 6 points
Earth - 5 points
Light - 7 points
Darkness - 9 points
Time - 2 points - cheating violation
Space - 8 points
Speed - 3 points
Billy Sticks - 10 points - full marks.

In last place is Strength with 1 point, 1 point for heat and 0 points for creativity.

But... Surprisingly the Winner of my Trial is the Mortal, Billy Sticks!
Congratulations on achieving a perfect 10!"

Lux bowed to the crowd with a twirl and then held up his right hand with a smirk on his face.

The crowd stood up and cheered with excitement, never did they think that a mere mortal could beat an Aspect in anything, nevermind nine at once.

Fire then waved his hands and the crowd fell silent, He then spoke with suspense.
"But now my Trial has ended...
we can now find out...
Who is hosting the next trial!"

The Scoreboard showing Fire's burning portrait dimmed and then began to show a lifeless desert with Earth's portrait.

Fire loudly announced, "Earth, you will host the next Trial!"

Earth nodded his head and then slowly began to rise into the air as a rocky column grew beneath his feet.

He then took a slow look around the arena and then asked Space, "Do you mind giving the Arena a quick Expansive Compression?"

Space frowned at him in confusion and then guessed, "You mean bigger on the inside, while still looking the same size, right?"

Earth sighed and then hopelessly nodded, "Yeah, I mean bigger on the inside...
You really need to reread some of your own books on space manipulation."

Space shrugged and then muttered, "Sure. Get me to do all the heavy lifting... prick."

He then clicked his fingers and the Arena shook slightly, He then told Earth, "The Arena will now grow to accommodate any Spatial Enlargening along the 6th Plane of the Universal Rotation Circuit.
I have also thrown in a self-stabilising Soul-bound restriction barrier which will contract the excess space, which will prevent it from bursting along the 1st and 3th Plane of the Universal Rotation Circuit.

I've forgotten more about space than you've ever learned, Earth.
I made up the names for the specific patterns and flows of space, I didn't actually learn them, but I understand them all.
Insult me again and I'll drop you in the Void where no one will find you..."

Earth glance at Space and grinned at him with the ambiance of a earthquake, "But will this be before or after I rip the ground out from underneath you and drop it on your head?"

Space gently smiled with the all happiness of an corpse, "Oh, I think I will be before..." as He spoke, Rippling shards of space energy gathered along his fingertips.

The Tricksters Way Book 1: The Mortal UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now