Chapter 12: Friend Zoned and broken hearted

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Emily POV***

        I look at man who has just saved from an untimely-uh-sogginess? He looks down at me without moving. I've already looked him over. He's got strong muscles, shaggy brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a gentle look. Suddenly, I feel very self conscious about myself. How clumsy must I look nearly falling into a fountain just from standing up? And then I'm wearing this old shirt and jeans. And then of course I feel bloated and ugly. Not mention how stupid I feel. Good god, I must be blushing like an idiot by now.

        A little voice in the back of my head says, "Talk to him. Thank him for helping you." I nod internally before mumbling to the man,"Thanks." He finally releases a breath he must have been holding. At last he releases me but I can still feel the heat his hand left from where it was on the small of my back. He rubs the back of his neck,"You're welcome." The voice in the back of my head says,"You should invite him to sit with you." Again I take the advice from my awkward voices. "Would you like to accompany me for a stroll?"

        The man smiles and nods. Butterflies erupt in my stomach,tingles zip through my fingertips, and my teeth lightly chomp on my bottom lip. He's got such a cute smile....No! No Emily Tybeau Kyle's! You will not fall for the cute smile trick again. That's how you got started with LyLeng. This man will be your friend and only your friend. Nothing more. Maybe even less.

        The man offers me his hand to shake. "I'm Russel." He says. I smile lightly back and say, "Emily." Before shaking his hand. Russel's hand is so warm. It really puts into perspective how cold my hand is. He looks at my hand shocked, "You're freezing!" He exclaims. I shrug, "Normally I have someone beside me at night to keep me warm but not any more." I sigh. Russel looks dim and gloomy now, "That's terrible. What happened?" Quickly he adds, "If that's not too invasive." We begin to walk through the park. Should I tell this man about my love life? I mean, I've only just met him and all I know about him, is his name and the fact that he's able to rescue damsel's from falling into fountains when they're downhearted. But, wanting to share the burden of the story, I tell Russel all about Lyleng.

        When I finish telling my story, I'm lightly crying. Russel stops walking and looks at me. He wipes away my tears, "Hey, it's okay. That jerk can go screw himself. I've known you for only a few minutes and already I feel like I've known you for much longer. And the feeling you give me send my stomach in knots and my heart racing. I don't know how that idiot could ever give you up." I blush at Russel's comments.

        Russel nods his head to a cafe just down the ways. "May I buy you a hot chocolate? I mean, it might warm you up." I laugh and nod my head. Russel smiles that wonderful and amazing smile again. We reach the cafe and enter. It's mostly empty. Most of the kids were at the playground or park or at home, and the college kids were vacationing. So I have a good selection of seats. I sit down at a booth near the window in the corner. Russel excuses himself to go to get some drinks.

        As Russel is gone, I hear the voice's again, "Russel seems nice. Maybe you should consider him for a new boyfriend." I shake my head slightly and mumble, "I just broke up with someone. And I'm pregnant. I'm not ready to date anyone yet."

'You need someone to care for you. Russel is a good man. He needs someone just like you.' I frown, "You're my conscience. How would you know if he needed someone? He could be married for all I know."

        Before my conscience and I can continue to the conversation, Russel returns. He holds a small and soft smile on his face. He also holds two small cups in his hands. As he sits beside me in the booth, he slides me one of the cups, "I got you hot chocolate with whipped cream and extra chocolate syrup." I chuckle and thank him. The exact thing he bought me was one of my favorite things to drink...

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