Chapter 11:Time to fix...well...time

Start from the beginning

Emily POV***

        Sighing, I look out my window. It's so beautiful and happy outside. So-I figure-if I spend a little time outside, I can make myself a bit happier. I have the day off anyway. After dressing myself in an oversized pink shirt and jean kapris, I walk out my front door. I lived almost right next o the park. It was really only a few houses away. That was one of the reasons I got a house here.

        After walking the short distance, I sit down in the center of the entire beautiful park; The fountain. The fountain was one of my favorite places in the park.It was grey marble and stone and had a beautiful mermaid looking over an injured sailor prince. Sometimes I used to just sit and stare at the fountain and think about why the mermaid would be watching over the sailor. Why she would be careful and fearful for his life. I used to think it was because she felt rue love for the sailor....

But now I know true love doesn't exist.

        My watch beeps.It's nine o'clock. My eyes flit up to the cloudy sky. But immediately look back down because the sun is so bright. Slowly, I bring my hand over my swollen stomach. Though I know it's all in my head, it's like I can hear my baby whispering, "Look up.Look up Emily." Frowning, I realize I am hearing voices. Oh my god! I'm hearing voices!

        Quickly, I bring my hand away frommy stomach andgasp. I'm hearing voices! Without meaning to, I stand up quickly. But I stand up a bit too quickly. My foot doesn't quite balance correctly, and I start to fall backwards. Backwards toward the fountain.

Russel POV**

        I reach the fountain at about 9:05. When I reach it, I don't really see anyone here. A lone old woman sitting at a bench feeding the pigeons. An old man sitting at a table with a chess board playing against himself. But then I see someone else. A young woman sits at the fountain holding her stomach. Out of nowhere she removes her hand and stands up.

        She begins to fall backwards and I feelmy heart skip a beat. Hurriedly, I run to her and catch ehr just before she can fall into the water. She gasps and I see she's got her eyes shut tight like she was waiting for impact. But soon enough she starts to open her eyes to look at me. Her deep brown eyes trail up my body starting at my feet. Until finally looking into my eyes.

Matt POV***

        Yes! Yes we did it! We got Emily and Russel in the same place! Time will restore now! Yes! Russel dashes to Emily's side and catches her before she can fall into the fountain. Her eyes remain closed a moment before she opens them.

        Her eyes travel up Russel's body until finally stopping at Russel's eyes. I smile We did it. Emily has Russel back. Her subconscience will register him and time will register her conscious memories. Time is fixed Fantastic!

But then.....Why isn't time restoring itself? It should have fixed itself by now....Emily registers Russel, Her memories of the real timeline should be back now. Everything around me should be disappearing and turning back to normal.....

So why is everything staying the same?!

Sully POV**

        "Uh, Doctor. Should something have happened by now?" I ask. The doctor looks grief stricken, 'It didn't work. How did it not work? The science was sound. I had everything planned out. It was all explained clearly. So why isn't it working?" The doctor looks back at Boo and Russel. They haven't moved at all. They're just looking at each other.

        The doctor strides over to them and looks between them. Russel then Boo. Russel then Boo. Back and forth he looks. Many different things happen as he thinks. He twiddles his bowtie, plays with the rope on his fez, rubs his chin, and fiddles with a funny looking screwdriver.

        "AAAAHHHHHH!!! HOW DID I NOT SEE IT?!" The doctor yells out of nowhere making me jump. He looks at me smiling, "I know what went wrong! It's Emily's fault!" Growling, I feel my fatherly side come out, "None of this is her fault." The doctor nods his head, "Oh but it is. See, Emily isnt' a love at first sight kind of girl. Her subconscious is registering Russel but it's still not enough for her subconscious knowledge to migrate to her conscious knowledge....Her love for Russel isn't there yet. She just got dumped by her boyfriend of two years! The poor girl doesn't believe in love yet. She just wants to be alone for a while so she refuses-denies- that she could be in love!"

        The doctor sighs at Boo,"Oh you poor thing." Cornelius asks from behind me, "Well, then what do we do?" The doctor pouts, "That....I don't know....Give me a moment." Cornelius and I stay silent as we watch the doctor think.

        The doctor looks through various pages of his journal-the one with what's happened to everyone in this reality- and looks bewildered. Finally he reaches a page and yells out, "GERONIMO!" Even though I knew the doctor was bound to yell at some point, it still makes me jump a bit. "At Russel and Emily's wedding, Russel gave Emily a kiss he wanted her to remember forever. So, that's it! If we can get Emily and Russel to snog each other, time is fixed!" I gawk at him, "Seriously? I have to get Boo- the girl I consider like a daughter to me- to make out with a boy to save lives and loves and fix time?" The doctor laughs and nods,

"Yep! The only way to really fix time is to help Russel get to first base!"


Oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing at the last line I wrote. It's so funny yet it sounds like something the doctor would say in this situation. Anyway, I hope you like it despite all the mistakes. Please leave a vote and a comment! Especially comments! I love to read them! And why not tell your friends to read? Because that would be extra nice to me! Thanks guys!





Boo's wedding day (sequeal to Boo's teenage years)Where stories live. Discover now