"I love you!"

Tyheim loudly moaned as my back arched, my knees wobbled as I quickly came into my first orgasm. But something was wrong, instead of the dreamy feeling I was supposed to be experiencing, a pain viciously sliced against my throat, my breathing slowed as I gasped for air. Falling to the floor, my quivering hands found my throat quickly as I tried to scream. Tyheim stood above me, a knife covered in blood, my blood, was tightly in his grip. My eyes trailed slowly up his body, reaching a hand out I quietly pleaded for his help, a flash of that pretty smile and white teeth was all he could seem to muster up. Crawling weakly away from him, my bloody hands slipped from under my body as I tried to get up. Slipping again, my head cracked loudly against the basement floor as I slowly began to black out.

Mystery POV

My feet swung aimlessly as I sunk into the cushioned armchair. My eye's wandered slowly across the plastic menu placed in front of me, but I wasn't paying any attention to that. From the time I was seated up until now, questions lingered on my tounge. Sighing deeply, I quickly dropped the menu and peered across the table at the man that sat in front of me.

"This vegi omelette sure looks nice, what are you ordering sweetheart?"

Snickering at the weak attempt to make pleasant conversation, I resisted the urge to release a bitter comeback, this man, this asshole I had called my boyfriend couldn't have been anymore oblivious to what had been going on for the last 3 months.

"Don't play dumb."

Entwining my fingers together, I placed both of my hands slightly underneath my chin, purposely showing off the beautiful engagement ring on my finger. It was then that his face puckered, it was like he had seen something that he was trying to avoid.

"Don't act like you didn't fuck my mother behind my back, actually let's make this brunch quick!"

Snapping my acrylic fingers in his face, I pursed my painted lips, and lifted an always, perfectly arched eyebrow.

"You see thats why you've always been my girl."

Scoffing obnoxiously at his calm demeanor, my hands slowly ran through my dark hair nervously. I wasn't nervous because of Tyheims presence, the reason for this meeting made me nervous. This so called "information" he supposedly had for me, was long awaited.

"I am no ones girl Tyheim, but I am Jerome's wife if we really want to get technical. Anyway whats up with this-"

"Are we ready to order?"

Frowning slightly at the interruption, my nails hammered lightly against the wooden table which glowed brightly under the fluorescent restaurant lights.

Yea, I'll have..."

Zoning out, my hand slid across the table as I reached for my hot tea, relishing the warmth that slightly burned my fingers, I cautiously slipped a finger into the handle, suddenly Tyheims fingers wrapped around my wrist. Softly and slowly caressing my closed hand, I pulled away, quickly balling my hand closed, the tea cup was suddenly laying on it's side as I drew both hands to my chest, afraid of his touch. As the hot liquid spread across the table and dripped lightly onto the beautiful rose colored tiled floor, I couldn't help but lock eye's with Tyheim. Staring back at me in disbelief, I could tell I had hurt his feelings, breathing heavily my hands were still clutched at my chest. Opening his mouth nervously, his hand caressed the back of his head slowly, averting his eye's away from me, it seemed as if he had come back to reality as he was aware of the puddle of tea next to his foot and the mess on the table.

"Excuse me, can we get this cleaned up?"

His hand fumbled quickly with the laptop that laid bluntly onto his lap, instead of that obnoxious smile a frown was now sported upon his face, but I felt no sort of remorse for my actions. He was dead to me, being with Jerome made me realize that I wanted more, and Tyheim couldn't give me more than a couple hundreds and a Micheal Kors bag, I wanted years, I wanted a family. With my long fingers wrapped tenderly around my phone it buzzed quietly, but I was more focused on Tyheim than I was a phone call. Watching intently while he opened the white thin Apple laptop, it became even more interested when he pulled out a CD and quickly inserting it. By the look on his face this news he had wasn't going to be something I wanted to see.

Clutching the edge of the hardwood table tightly my knuckles turned white, my breathing oddly became sharper and sparse. I wasn't ready, noting how my nude heels shook nervously, the table vibrated softly as I couldn't keep control of my foot. Then our eye's locked, stopping abruptly my lips tightened and my hands went numb. The air stiffled as a sense of fear settled between us, my tounge twisted and tied as I tried to force words out, but it just wasn't happening.

"Before you see this can I just say that...that I'm sorry Mystery."

Lifting an eyebrow curiously my eye's widened, Tyheim was never one to say sorry. Shaking away thoughts of even considering to forgive him, I tore my eye's away from him, the pout of his lips, and the pleading in his eye's was no where near convincing to me, it was all a game to Tyheim.

"Look the clock is ticking boo, hurry it up."

Adjusting myself quickly in my seat, I propped my elbow restlessly onto the table sighing in relief as his movements became quicker. Turning the laptop towards me he pressed play cautiously.


My heart thumped loudly as the vivid screams came from my mother's mouth. Watching her being thrown, and beat to death on top of being raped caused my throat to go dry.

"Tyheim, what the fuck is this?"

Slamming the laptop shut, my hand quickly pushed the laptop away from me in disgust. Instantly clamping them over my ears, her screams echoed in my head. Tears threatened to fall, but I refused to let Tyheim see me as the weak bitch he made me.

"Where...did you get this?"

Gasping for air, my hands sought eagerly for my throat as it tightened. Finally looking into his face, his mouth opened and closed, like he had something to say, but didn't know how. Straightening up, my back hit the wooden chair hard, cringing in pain I awaited his explanation.

"You see Mystery, I only showed you this because your father sent it to me. Supposedly, he wanted to get back at your mother for leaving him. I'm so sorry."

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