Starry starry night

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Tegan's POV

Everyone's eaten now - or almost - we're just chilling, dancing, singing, screaming, laughing, loving. I really do hope the creators and WICKED are watching us enjoying ourselves, forgetting the cruel and ruined world and our messed up lives. So ha ha bloody ha to you WICKED.

"Well done, Tegan. You've done your dare. Friends?" Quinn says to me.

I feel Newt tense next to me.

"Yeah sure Quinn, thanks." I say shaking his hand.

He walks off and Newt smiles at me, then food dribbles out of his mouth. I laugh and wipe it away with my finger. He swallows and laughs. I love his laugh so much. It just brightens my day and life so much. He's my sunshine, even his hair is sunshine blonde. It's gorgeous, he's gorgeous. I love him, I really do. His hand starts rubbing up and down my leg and I giggle. He then stops it and rests his hand on my thigh. I love the feeling. Newtie patootie as Thomas and Minho called him earlier finishes his last mouthful.

"I'm going to have a drink kay Newt?" I ask my boyfriend.

"Of course beautiful." He responds smiling.

I really do hate myself because of my depression and anxiety but Newt is healing me, slowly. I'm slowly feeling happier and Newt is starting to make me feel less like he's lieing and more like he actually means it. He's always whispering sweet nothings in my ear and telling me he loves me with all his heart. Newt compliments me loads. He's not going to give up on me. Newt is slowly sticking my shattered pieces back together, like glue. Some pieces are long gone so I'll never be the same but then again, none of us in the Glade will be the same ever again. Our relationship is amazing. You know who I think is the next couple? I definitely think if Minho allows himself, him and Izzy should have a blossoming relationship. He may be flirting with her, even though for these last two hours it's been ratted flirting and her vise versa. Minho hasn't opened up to her yet, I hope he will. At the moment the stunningly pretty girl of Izzy seems a tad shy and a lot scared. Izzy and I will bond though so with the sort of person I am, she'll come out if her shell soon enough. Izzy will probably trust Newt with things as everyone comes to him for advice and problems because he's very understanding and an amazing listener. I don't mind. I could see in the meeting that Izzy felt something for Minho. I don't think WICKED had any chemical advantages over her. I just they sent her up to see what would happen. Like they did with sending Thomas up nearly straight away after me and also revealing that he's my big brother. Minho and Izzy are so different but they seem right for each other. This is obviously the first time they have met, even at WICKED, because if they had Minho would have remembered. I remember her but I didn't know her all that well before here. There's also a chance of Max and Callum, I'm not a hundred percent though. They could just be best mate's although I think Max bats for both teams if you get me. I down my drink and get another, then down it, then get another. I have a sip and Newt is now by my side, sending me a look. I just laugh.

"Don't worry, I'm just thirsty." I smile at him.

"I think we'll have to have a break day tomorrow." Newt says.

"Agree." I say, "We'll tell 'em tomorrow though."

Newt nods, "Have you seen Minho?" He asks me.

"Not for a while. He sat alone with Izzy when eating." I say, remembering.

"Knowing Minho when he's this drunk and ratted, he'd have took her on an adventure somewhere."

I laugh and so does Newt.

"He'll be alright though?" I clarify.

Newt clarifies. Then: "Bed now! Grab blankets, pillows, whatever you can find and let's sleep underneath the stars!" Newt shouts getting everyone's attention.

There are a few drunk mumbles about what are stars? But everyone does what they are told and we all snuggle down for the night. Me, Newt, Thomas, Chuck, Winston, Frypan, Gally all lay near each other. We stay up for the next hour or so but slowly everyone drops off. Chuck first, then Thomas, then Gally, then Frypan, then Winston. Now it's just me and Newt awake.

"Want to learn about the stars?" I whisper in Newt's ear.

You see, I'm laying huddling up to Newt. My head is laying on his shoulder and his head is resting on his hand's.

"Yeah..." He says giving a lingering kiss on my forehead.

So I show him The Archer and The Little Dipper and more. Then he says we should get some rest but not before we make out underneath the stars. I mainly was on top of him until he flipped us round and started kissing my neck. I gasped and he chuckled a warm chuckle against my skin. He then licked it, licking where I would have some hickey(s) tomorrow. He then lays next to me. So I get on top of him and lay cuddling him. His arm's are wrapped around my slender body and his hand's are at the bottom of my back drawing little shapes underneath my tank top which feels so nice, so safe, so loving.

"I love you Newt." I say softly.

"I love you too Tegan. More than the stars, sun, moon and this Earth." Newt says sweetly.

"Newt, baby, I don't think anyone loves this messed up Earth right now." I chuckle.

"You know what I mean." He laughs and kisses my forehead.

I soon start to hear the gentle snores of Newt so I listen to his hearbeat and wait for my own breathing to get heavier.

She's My Glue// NewtWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu