Chapter 1: New home, new life

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Welcome to Bangtan's House. Where the members do their chores while Jimin shows his new room. Him and Jimin goes upstairs to lead his room. While it happened:


"Welcome to your new home, Jungkook!", They all said at the same time while welcoming him. "I hope you'll have a good time living here, kiddo," Namjoon continued. While the others having fun, Jimin was staring him head-to-toe. The younger looks to Jimin.

He comes to see Jimin being so shy to him since he's a kid.

Jungkook speaks, "What's wrong, Hyung? Are you okay?"

The boy replied, "I-I'm fine.. what happened back there? Can you tell me the story?"

Jungkook nodded and told him what happened when he was a child.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me. I'll tell the others that I'm going to lead you your new room," He smiled and the younger follows. Once Jimin is done telling them, he tells the younger to follow him. He nods.

End of Flashback

While the two were going upstairs, Jungkook was blushing while walking behind him. His heart was beating fast. He taps gently on his cheeks. His face was really red. When Jimin turns around, he spoke: "What are you doing? Why are you so red, Jungkook?" He replies, "Oh, it's nothing, hyung.. Just-" He mumbles "I-I-It's nothing! Really! Can we go to my new room now?" Jimin sighs. "Okay... Just tell me if you're being so weird..." Jungkook raises an eyebrow. Followed Jimin again.

Jimin opens the door for him to his new so called Jungkook's Room. He opens his mouth in awe. "Woah.. this is so cool! Thanks, hyung!" He hugs Jimin. Jimin is suprised to see the younger hugged him. He lets go and said, "Enjoy your new room, Jungkook. Once you unpacked your belongings, come back down. Jin cooked us dinner," Then he closed the door gently and came back downstairs.

Jin was cooking for all the members including the new kid. While Jimin was gone, the members watch the TV while Jin is cooking. They all smelled Jin's cooking and comes to the kitchen. "Woah... Hyung, you're so good at cooking!" J-Hope talked. "Of course my cooking skills are-" Jin said and Suga cuts his next sentence, "Don't do it-"

Jin continued, "Le-Jin-Dary!" he laughed with his windshield laugh. The members are holding themselves not to laugh. While Suga, didn't laugh because he hates dad jokes. It makes him embarrassing.

Jimin came back downstairs when he's done his part. Jin called all the members to come to the kitchen, "KIDS! DINNER'S READY!" Jungkook heard Jin's yelling downstairs so, he opens his door and close it then he comes down to the kitchen. When he did... *THUD*

A loud thud can be heard from the stairs.

Three of the members came and that was J-Hope, Jin and... Jimin. J-Hope spoke, "Are you okay, Jungkook?!" He hesitates because his leg was hurt. "Ow ow ow!! My leg... I think I sprained my leg..." Jungkook replied while rubbing his leg. Jimin comes, "Come here, Jungkook. Let me treat you." He turns around to give him a piggyback. He accepted it. Jungkook hugs his neck while Jimin slowly lifts his sprained leg and rushes to his room.

He puts him down on the bed and rushes to his room to get first aid under his bed. Then came back to Jungkook's room. He started treating him.

Jungkook's POV

What.. what is this feeling? My heart beats so fast when Jimin is doing something that I can't tell... He's treating me like my heart is getting a surgery...

Do you love me too? | JiKook FFWhere stories live. Discover now