Arctic Hare

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    I used a random animal generator to select an animal for me to draw someone. There were a lot of basic animals like deer and dogs, but I wanted something more out of the ordinary. After some animals I came across the arctic hare.

 After some animals I came across the arctic hare

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Look at these fluff balls.

    I wanted to design a character based off of this, so here she is:

    She isn't as fluffy or bundled up as I had in my head, so that's a bummer

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    She isn't as fluffy or bundled up as I had in my head, so that's a bummer. I gave her a mainly white and gray color scheme, with a pop of brown. There is brown because in some places, the hare's fur changes to brown. I also made the tips of her hair darker to represent the black tips of their ears. I really love her expression.

I guess she is loosely based on the hare, since I doubt I came close to what an arctic hare is. I still like her design though.

Here's some facts about the Arctic Hare!

- the arctic hare is one of the largest lagamorphs. Lagamorphs consists of rabbits and hares, and pikas which are similar to rabbits.
- they eat mainly woody plants, and that is 95% of their diet
- the have thick fur that helps keep body heat and stay warm


Rabbits and hares are cool.

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