OC Sketching

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Double upload cuz I felt bad for not uploading for 5 days.

    Here's a character sketch of my OC, Reika. This is supposed to be her outfit when she's 16 years old. During this time she experienced something traumatic that caused her personality to change. I think you can kinda tell by her expression.

    She takes part in a fanfiction of mine and to be specific, a Naruto one. I'm not going to include her whole backstory and stuff because that would take too long. I'm also not comfortable sharing my random weird stories, since they can get pretty weird.

 I'm also not comfortable sharing my random weird stories, since they can get pretty weird

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    Anyways I'm done with this part. I've lately been having trouble with motivation for school and drawing. If you have any tips on how to stay motivated to do things, please let me know. I would really like to do better, since this point of my life is seeming very important.

Alright, I'll be going now.

See you in another 5 days hahaha....


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