Chapter 30

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I went first, followed by Aunty Alice who was looking worried. Amy hid behind her Mum, pretending to be shy. I didn’t bother to knock, I just opened the door.

“We are here. All of us are here.” I called out. I led my Aunty into the small hallway, where Lilly and Dan promptly appeared.

They all greeted each other. Amy appeared from behind Aunty Alice’s legs. “Whoa! You look just like Charlotte when she first came to us.” Dan said. “Everyone in your family looks so alike.” He smiled at me.

Lilly scowled at him though. “Charlotte is part of our family now, and has been for the last eleven years!”

“Yes dear, I was just saying dear.” Dan sighed.

“Well don’t ‘just say’, we have visitors.” Lilly said.

There was an awkward pause, so I said, “Why don’t you guys go into the living room to sit down, and I’ll go and get Charlotte.”

I ran up the stairs and burst into Charlotte’s room. She was lying on her bed texting and listening to her i-pod. She took one headphone out and said, “Hi, what’s up sis?”

“They’re here! Aunty Alice and Amy are downstairs; do you want to come down?”

Her face turned white, but she did smile. “Sure, I’ll follow you.” She said. We walked down the stairs together and nervously entered the living room.

For a moment, everything was silent, until Amy said, “She looks just like you Faye!” Charlotte and I grinned at each other.

“Well, we’ll leave you to get introduced.” Dan said and he and Lilly stood up. On the way out, Lilly beckoned me out too. Admittedly, I was a bit annoyed, but I left with them.

“We’ll just leave them alone for a few minutes whilst they get to know each other again. I made everyone a cup of coffee to amuse myself and then sat at the kitchen table sipping.

Soon, Amy appeared at the door. “What are you talking about? Not me, I hope! My Mummy says it’s rude to talk about people when they aren’t there.”

“Well, we weren’t talking about you. We weren’t even talking actually. Why are you in here, anyway?” I asked, wandering why she wasn’t with Charlotte.

“They are being silly in there and crying. At first Charlotte was nice and she played Princesses with me. She was better than you Faye. But then she said she was tired and went to play with Mummy instead. You never say that you are tired, do you Faye?” Amy said as she scrambled up onto my lap.

Dan looked at her and said, “I wish Charlotte had been a bit more like you, when she was your age. She was always a bit quiet and withdrawn.”

“Well, what do you expect after what she’d been through? For God’s sake Daniel, don’t say such ridiculous things!” Lilly said.

Dan gave his monotonous reply of, “Yes dear.” Then he looked down at Amy again and this time, said, “Can I play princesses with you?”

I began to laugh at the thought of Dan in a dress and Amy said, “You can’t be a princess because you are a man. Mummy’s boyfriend Gary told my Mummy when they thought that I wasn’t listening, that only queer’s play princesses if they are boys! Are you a queer man?”

“Amy!” I said. “You can’t say that to people, it’s very rude!” But Dan was chuckling.

“I’m not a queer man, I am really special and I can play girly games, even though I am a boy. Some people might say that I am magic!”

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