Chapter 21: I'm Not Pressing Charges

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When I woke up, I knew straight away that I was in hospital. My vision was blurry and I had shooting pains going up my side.

“She’s awake! She’s awake, nurse, doctor, she’s opened her eyes,” I heard Mum screech.

I groaned, or tried to, but nothing came out. A kind looking woman dressed all in blue entered through a door. My vision cleared and I saw that I was in a white room with no other patients.

I knew what had happened and strangely, the first thing that I thought was thank God I’d left my bag at Dan and Lilly’s.

“If you would mind not shouting Miss Baskerville, Faye has probably got a very painful head,” the nurse said.

‘I am here,’ I thought. Then I said aloud, “My head hurts. Where’s Amy, is she ok?”

Mum sat down next to me, crying. “She was ok days ago love. She had lots of cuts on her arms and legs and she fractured her arm, but she’s ok. She’s worried about you; she thinks it’s all her fault.”

“It’s ok, it’s not her fault. I made her angry. Where is she, I want to see her,” I said.

Mum stroked my hand. “I’m sorry, but you can only have one visitor in here at a time. You’re still really ill.”

“Well you can get out then and she can come in. Just because I got run over, it doesn’t mean that I don’t still hate you. I ran away because of you, if you remember. So really, this is your fault,” I said. “Tell Amy to come in and Aunty Alice can come in after and anyone else who is there can come in after that and then I’m going to sleep.”

Mum looked hurt, “Please Faye, don’t be like that, this changes everything. When you get out of here, you can come home and I’ll look after you properly this time, no more counsellors.”

“Like I would want to come home with you. This changes nothing, I want to see Amy,” I said.

She left the room. A few moments later, Amy ran in. She had a small bandage over her arm and plasters up and down her arms and legs. But I thought it best not to mention that.

“Hi Amy,” I smiled. “How long have I been sleeping for?”

“You have been sleeping for ages. Days and days and days, just like Sleeping Beauty; and that story is one of my favourites. I told Mummy but she said to me not to say that. And I thought that was mean because I was just saying.”

I tried to laugh but it hurt too much. “I would love to be Sleeping Beauty. She’s so pretty, just like you,” I said.

“I would like to be Cinderella the best though, because she is my favourite,” Amy said, but then her face changed. “Are you hurting?”

“Not too much. I’m sure I will be better soon,” I said to her, but it suddenly crossed my mind that I didn’t really know what had happened that day.

“I hope so, because now I can’t wear your make-up or play princesses with you now. Should I call Mummy in now?”

“Ok,” I said. She gave a cheeky wave and ran towards the door, but before she got there, she turned around. “Who’s Charlotte?” she said. “I heard Aunty Kathryn talking about her to herself.”

“You heard my Mum talking about someone called Charlotte? What did she say?”

“I don’t know, she was muttering to herself. Who is she anyway?” Amy asked.

“You’ll find out soon enough if my plans go right anyway. I’ll tell you later, but you have to promise not to tell anyone,” I said to my little cousin.

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