Chapter 15: Brennen Taylor

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Colbys POV
"The prank is set!" I said to the camera. "Now we have to wait for Lottie to come home from work... I'll see you in the next shot!" I say and put my hand over the camera stopping it from filming any longer.
"This is gonna make her so mad bro." Said Corey, smirking
"I can't wait for her to see it, I've hidden cameras around the room, one is underneath her laundry and another is..."
"What?" Said Corey
"I taped it to the roof but it's covered by a picture of pewdiepie, there's a hole where peediepies mouth is." I say laughing
"I need to get my vlogging camera!" Corey says laughing and runs off
* an hour later *
"Alright guys I'm back!" I say in my half normal half whisper voice. " Lottie is in the driveway now! Her reaction is gonna be priceless." Lottie walks through the door.
"Heyyyyy, how ya doing?" I ask hugging her
"Something's off, why are you vlogging." Lottie says as a smile spreads across her face.
"No reason." I say "hey Corey, COREY!" I shout upstairs. Corey runs downstairs, he was wearing an apron covered in flour.
"Lottie... I baked you some, PIE!" He says exaggerating the word pie.
"What have you done this time guys..." She Says laughing and taking her jacket off.
"I left it in your room." Corey said, he had this
creepy smile and his eyes were wide, it was his I'm probably going to regret this later face.

Lottie's POV
Oh god... pie, in my room, I should've known!  i dashed up the stairs at lightning speed. "WAIT! let me vloggggg!" colby yelled close behind me. i waited patiently for corey and colby to catch up so they could film my reaction. slowly i opened the door and the smilled on the guys faces grew so big i thought their eyes were going to fall out.

"oh... my... god..." i slurred as the room was revealed.

"do you like your pie?" corey asked almost rolling on the floor in laughter.

"NOOOOOOO!" i shouted, though i laughed at the same time.

*a few hours later*

heathers POV
"hey who is on the drive way?" i asked colby who was sprawled out on the couch. he jumped up and off the couch, suddenly full of life.

"BRENNEN!" he shouted sprinting to the door.


"yeah i wanted you to meet him, hes dead cool, ive told him all about you and Aaron!" he said excitedly opening the door and squeezing him tightly.

"hey man!" said brennen. when i peeped over the corner it was amazing...


i looked at his feet as he walked down the hallway. he was wearing white addidas shoes with black trainer socks. as i looked further up i noticed he was also wearing light blue, riped denim jeans. through the rips i could see his golden, tanned skin. it looked so soft. as my eyes ventured upwards i could see a yellow vest. it was one of them thin ones where you can see the side of their stomachs and almost their nipples. i could see his tensed abs and the veins on his arms were bulging out. as i looked on to his face i saw a small moustache and a little bit of stubble from where he was trying to grow a beard.  he had long fluttery eyelashes and emerald green eyes... and then i saw his hair. it looked like it was carefully made evvery few hours or so. his hand brushed his hair back but it stuck back up into its curly stcky-uppy form. his hair was a deep brown colour, though the pictures id seen on instagram he had blonde highlits in...


little did i know that whilst i was looking at his body, he was walking towards me, he has a sweet warm smile. i suddenly found us face to face.

"hey. im brennen taylor, whats your name?" he said. did i mention his voice was angelic. i noticed the first thing he did was look down and glance at my growing belly.

"uh... UHH..." i stammered. i was lost for words at his beautifullness.

" hey, hey, dont be nervous." he reassured me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"i... im Heather"


TO BE CONTINUED! should i carry on? is it worth it?

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