chapter 10: the announcement

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heathers POV

I manage to let out a small smile, but my head hurts so I cant talk a lot. "how will we tell the guys?" I ask

"do you want me to break the news?" aaron said.

"can we do it together?" I ask

"definitely!" he replies.


"how about later tonight, when we are all editing our group vlog of the day?" says aaron.

"sounds good to me."

"I love you" aaron says looking me in the eyes

"love you too" he kisses me on the forehead.

"now get some rest, being awake too much is bad for the baby." Aaron smiled and walked away with a small skip in his step. it wasn't long before my nap turned into a deep sleep.


*you are in the middle of a winding everlasting forest. there is a small opening*

I walk to the small opening. where am I? suddenly a large beam shoots down onto the ground in front of me. I have to cover up my eyes or ill be blinded. then I heard a large zap. I looked up and noticed the beam was gone but there was a strange glowing creature insted. it looked worn out and grey faced. it had large bags under its eyes and a giant frown.

"who are you?" I ask.

"I am you from the future." it says

"but how, you are so old and tired, not to mention miserable looking."

"I am here to tell you that this is your fate." it points to its face. "this will become of you if you stay with Aaron. when you have children he will realise how much responsibility it is. he will leave you and kick you out of the trap house with noting but the baby in a blanket. your parents will dis own you as they didn't know you had a child, and then your child will die from the cold as you will be homeless." it says walking towards you with a limp.

"no! I love aaron and he loves me!" I say. I begin to sob.

"its for your own good" it says reaching an arm out. I slap it and run into the forest crying into my hands.
"NO WAIT! AARON IS A MISTAKE!" it calls out. I keep running and then...

"heather? heather wake up!" it was lottie. her voice was soothing and calm. my eyes open.
"NO! I WILL STAY WITH AARON UNTIL I DIE!" I scream, tears rolling my face.

"heather calm down!" Aaron says holding my hand. I look around me and see everyone I love around me, Devyn, Corey, Sam, Colby, Lottie and Aaron. "it was only a bad dream. all that crying is bad for the baby!" I say.

"what?" corey asks.

"I think now is the time." I said through tears.

"heather is having a baby, hence the vomiting and bad dreams." says aaron beaming in pride. I manage to push a little smile out.


corey puts his hands on his head and his jaw drops. he jumps on aaron and hugs him. everyone begins to clap. but I'm afraid. what about the dream id just had.

"Aaron?" I say


"we have to tell my parents..."

the clapping stops. my parents are the cruelest and they already hate me for loving a 'stupid man like aaron'

"oh" aaron says. his face turns white...

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