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Lauren's pov:

I groaned and slammed my hand on the alarm clock to mute it, I always forget to turn it off on the weekends dammit.

I sighed as laid there for a while before I decided to move a little, I felt something around my waist and looked back.

"oh yeah" I muttered quietly with a small smile, it was Ashira's arm of course, she looked so peaceful..... and naked.

I know what happened last night but I still turned a deep shade of red as I slipped out of her arms gently and pulled the blanket more over her.

I quickly went to take a shower.

"oh jeez" I said to myself, there was a sort of... strange mark on my neck where she had bite me, like three small black claw marks, what are these things? is it a wolf thing? I must ask her about it later.

I put on a red T-shirt and blue shorts after having have dried my hair and brushed it out.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight, she was still snuggled in the blanket while deep asleep, I would bet my hand that this is one of her longest or most peaceful sleeps from the time after the accident.

I brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek before going in the kitchen to make breakfast.

I hummed a tune while I made something easy and fast to make, eggs and bacon.

after a little while I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

"hey" I smiled.

"hi Ashira, slept well?" she nodded, hiding her face in my neck, the smell of apples hit me.... how did I not hear the shower running? that's my hair-wash's smell.

I glanced over my shoulder, she had stolen my clothes but I don't care, she was wearing my black sweat pants and a blue tank top.

"hungry?" I asked with a big smile.

"like a wolf"

"are you being literal or using a human expression?"


"sit at the table, I'm almost done with the breakfast"

Ashira's pov:

I sat at the table with a small smile, jeez what can you do to me just by being yourself Lauren.

"oh Lauren?"


"I kind of forgot to tell you something, barely anyone knows except my pack and family because we wanted to keep it a secret"

"what is it?" she asked, putting a plat of herself and me on the table.

"have you hear of the wolf queen?"

"yeah, no one knows who the current one is but she's hiding with your pack right?"


"why bring it up then if it was hidden?"

"because one day you will be the second one"

"you're telling me you are a princess?" she started laughing but it soon died down as I didn't laugh with her had a serious look on "wait you're serious?" she asked with wide eyes.

"my mama is the current one so yes, I'll take the title of queen when I take over the pack as the alpha of it, it should have happened when I was 18 or in a late case when I was 19"

"oh good mother of all gods"

"please don't say this because Eszter tends to intrude when she's mentioned"

"oh right she's the mother of all gods...... your whole family and acquaintances is something out of this world I swear, I will have a migraine if all this goes on"

"I'm sorry but I didn't choose the be born in this life did I?"

"no no you didn't but still...... now to know not only the alpha but also the queen wanted my death 3 years ago.... ooooh it hurts my head"


"it's fine"

we ate in a comfortable silence after that until Lauren broke it.

"you said you were supposed to take over the pack, you could now right?"

"yeah but I wanted to wait until I'm sure I'm back to relative normality in my life and the past wouldn't hinder my ruling of this huge pack"

"so same with the title of queen?"


".... oh and hat is this thing on my neck?"

"oh.... I forgot about that part"

"what part?"

"when a wolf mates with someone they bite the other to show their or the wolf's partner, no one else's, no matter if they are mates of not but normally only mated wolves do this, we were mates once and I still do love you so it doesn't change a thing"

"so.... it's a sort of identification thing?"

"if you will, one member of the couple or both need to bite each other for it to appear, since non wolf people's bites don't really 'count', you could have bite me but nothing would have happened while it happened since I did"

"so confusing"

"I know but when you are to be the alpha you need to know a lot of shit about everything"

"I guess...... couldn't your twin brother take over if you chose to not take the title"

"he could in that case but any time twins were born in my family one was alpha blooded and the other instantly an omega so I have the priority"

"how does that work?"

"jeez Lauren do I need to explain all the things here? so.... wolves are born with a sort of genetically passed down birth mark, three dots that can appear in different places and the different places dictate the rank, the soles of the feet are omegas, the shoulders are betas and the side of the hand alphas" I brought up my hand and pointed at the points "it's written in a book older than most and it's still true to this day"

"what if we stopped talking about this, I don't want my brain to explode and splatter across the room"

"I wouldn't want that either"

we finished eating in silence and went on to watching TV, me laying on my back and her laying on top of me, a smile on both of our faces.

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