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To everyone worried about me getting stressed over uploading these-don't worry, I already finished them this morning after staying up until 10AM lol. Final chapter will be up in about 30 minutes.

Some time had passed since Logan and Virgil finally became friends again, and things were going great. The two were just as close friends as before, hanging out after school along with Patton(who was very happy to see the fighting was over), and sometimes it felt like nothing had ever happened.

There were occasions though, where things would feel awkward. Logan and Virgil weren't alone as often anymore, and when they were everything felt weird. They sometimes found themselves flirting and acting as a couple again, only to realize it after a few minutes and go quiet. Those moments were painful for both of them. It made them realize just how much they missed how things were, and how they might not ever be the same again.

This was where the two currently had found themselves. Patton had been busy that day but the two of them still wanted to spend time with each other. So, they found themselves at Logan's house, joking and having fun. When the joking became flirting again the two stopped almost immediately, wincing and looking away from each other. The silence between them was hurting them both, but neither knew what to say to make things better.

After a few minutes of thinking to himself, Logan made up his mind. Something needed to be said and he was just going to finally come out and say it. Whatever happened, happened. Clearing his throat awkwardly to draw attention to himself, Logan met eyes with Virgil and frowned.

"I..." He began, glancing away for just a moment before forcing his gaze back. "I miss you."

Virgil was quiet for a moment, and Logan waited patiently for him to speak. His voice was quiet and unsure when he did, just like when Logan decided to give him a second chance weeks ago. "What... do you mean..?"

"I mean," Logan started. "I miss... being with you. Romantically."

"Oh," Virgil's breath had caught in his throat, voice barely audible. "I-I miss you, too.."

"I'm tired of doing this." Logan continues, more confident knowing Virgil seemed to feel the same as him. "Pretending like we were never together hurts. Pretending like I don't still care about you in that way really hurts. I don't want to keep pretending, I..."

Virgil didn't say anything, urging Logan to go on. He wasn't entirely sure where this was going, and he was worried it was leading to Logan not wanting to be friends again. He didn't want that to be the case, but he didn't want Logan to hurt anymore either. He would do anything for him.

"Emotions are so confusing," Logan huffed, shaking his head. Virgil almost wanted to smile at just how much like him the statement was, but decided against it, instead waiting for him to keep talking.

"In the time that we've been friends again you have definitely proven that I can trust you again. I'm no longer worried about being hurt by you intentionally again," Virgil winced as Logan mentioned this. "But I do worry what might happen if we try again and things don't work out. I don't want to lose your friendship, Virgil."

"Me either." Virgil agreed. "But are you... saying you might want to try again...?"

Logan started at the floor for what felt like an eternity, both of them feeling a mix of emotions ranging from sad and scared to excited and hopeful. They both wanted the same thing, that much was obvious, but what if it was too soon? What if they were never meant to work out, and it fell apart all over again?

Logan drew in a breath, shaking his head to rid his mind of his thoughts. If there was any chance that they could be together again, he would take it. Forcing himself to face Virgil, Logan spoke in a shaky, terrified voice. "Yes. Yes, I want to try again. I want to be with you again, if that's what you want too."

"Of course that's what I want," Virgil choked out, tears gathering in his eyes. "That's all I've wanted for a while, Logan."

Logan breathed out a sigh of relief, allowing himself the tiniest of smiles. He was nervous, very nervous but happy, too. He saw Virgil smile as well, and hoped that everything would be okay.

"That's good," Logan breathed. "Really good. I.." I love you. Logan shook his head, getting rid of his thoughts and simply smiled wider at Virgil.

He didn't expect it when arms were flung around him, just like they had before, but he didn't mind. He returned the hug quickly, both of them relieved and happy in that moment. After a few moments they pulled back to look at each other, smiling very small smiles despite the tears that still wanted to escape them.

For a very brief second Virgil's eyes drifted down to Logan's lips. Almost immediately he looked away again, not meeting Logan's eyes as his cheeks reddened. Logan noticed this and couldn't help as his smile grew, and although he was still really unsure and scared he raised his hand to hold Virgil's cheek and draw his attention back to Logan.

He leaned in closer to Virgil, pausing to look for any sign of discomfort. When he saw none he leaned in the rest of the way, their lips just barely pressed together. It was short but it only took a few moments to show all of the feelings they were both unable to voice. They were happy, uncertain, but they both cared very much for each other and in that one moment it seemed that they already knew that everything would be alright.

They would be alright, because they had each other and that was all that they could ever need.

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