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"Logan? Would you mind answering the question I just asked." Logan looked up abruptly, seeing the teacher staring at him. She waited for his response with a raised brow, and Logan frowned slightly. He had been so lost in his mind lately, worrying over Virgil, that he hadn't been able to pay attention in class.

"Would you mind repeating the question, miss?" He asked politely, not wanting to get on her bad side. She asked him again, and Logan was very glad he already knew what they were talking about. He answered correctly, and the teacher left him alone. He immediately returned to thinking about how things would go after class.

When lunch finally came around Patton noticed his distracted, worried mood. He did what he could to cheer him up and distract him with other things. Logan appreciated it.

"I hate to bring it up..." Patton started, his voice gentle, as if worried about upsetting Logan. "I know you're already worried about it, but what do you think is going to happen later today?"

"I do not know," Logan admitted, elbows on the table and chin resting in his hands. "That is why I am worried. I have no idea what he could possibly want from me."

"Well... I guess we'll both find out together!" Patton offered him an encouraging smile. "Would you like to go over the plan again? It seems like being organized and knowing what to do comforts you, so... maybe that'll help?"

Logan was surprised for a moment that Patton had noticed something like that. He was very smart, when it came to emotions. He seemed to know what to do for someone always. Logan wished sometimes that he could handle emotions as well as Patton did, but he preferred logic over anything else. Emotions were not very logical, and they made no sense to him. "Yes... Thank you."

The two spent the rest of lunch going over what they were going to do, until finally lunch ended and they had to part ways again. Patton shot him a large grin. "I'm sure that everything will be okay, Logan!"

Logan smiled slightly back, nodding. "Yes, I do hope it will."


The time finally came for Logan to get out of school. Unlike the usual kids, he was not excited for it to end. He had been dreaded this all day, and now it was finally here. He took a deep breath, an attempt to calm himself, and made his way to where he and Patton had agreed to meet.

He found Patton sitting underneath the big tree in front of the school, leaning against it and looking around for him. When he spotted Logan coming over he shot him a bright grin, waving.

"Hey! I haven't seen any of them leaving the school just yet, but I have been watching out." Patton told him, still scanning the crowd of students as he spoke to Logan. He shot him a worried glance. "Sure you're okay?"

"Positive." Logan affirmed, also scanning the crowd. They sat for a while, waiting, until at last the boy in the purple hoodie exited the school building. He didn't have Roman or Archer with him, but Patton and Logan were going to wait until they had made sure Virgil was alone before they spoke to him.

The school had emptied out quite a bit when Patton nudged Logan, pointing in the direction of two boys. It was Roman and Archer, the two of them were getting into Roman's car to head home. When their car had fully disappeared, Patton turned to Logan, who turned back to look at him.

"Are you ready to go talk to him?" He asked, putting a hand gently on his shoulder. Logan glanced at his hand, then back up at him and nodded.

"I suppose so. No point in stalling any longer." He sighed, standing up and reaching to help Patton up as well. They both looked at each other, nodded, and made their way over to where Virgil had been standing waiting for them.

"Hey," Virgil greeted him, awkwardly saluting. "I actually didn't think you'd come at this point. Guess it was smart, though, waiting until the other two had gone. I'm glad you did, at least I don't have to worry about them being mad at me... It was also a good idea to bring a friend. You're pretty smart, Ro-Logan." He stopped himself from insulting him at the last second, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes, I suppose I am. Now... why was I invited to meet you, again?" Logan raised a brow, still not sure if this was a stupid prank or not. Virgil sighed, and stared at the ground for a while. Logan wasn't sure if he was going to say anything, and then he finally did.

"I really meant it when I said I was sorry. I am. I know, we've been pretty awful to you for a long time... I can't give any excuses for that, but I was just hoping to apologize." He drew in a long shaky breath, running a hand through his long bangs. "I know you probably won't forgive me, but if you did... well, honestly you seem like a great guy. I'd love to be... your friend..?"

Logan didn't move. He kept glancing around, wondering when someone was going to pop out to scare him, or when Virgil was going to laugh and tell him he was joking. He was waiting for him to tell him that the look of confusion on his face was priceless, and that he couldn't believe Logan would believe him. Nothing came, and Logan still couldn't say a word.

Patton looked at him, frowning. He knew he didn't really trust Virgil, so he decided to speak up. "I don't think he wants to be-"

"Maybe." Logan cut him off, Virgil looking up at him quickly, eyes wide in surprise. "We could... try hanging out as friends. But just so you are aware, if you do anything that makes me trust you less than I already do, then... then..." 

"Got it," Virgil shot him a small smirk that made Logan's heart beat faster. He wasn't entirely sure why. "Don't piss you off. I can do that."

Logan just nodded slightly, still staring at his smirk and feeling dazed. He wasn't sure what to do now, but he saw Virgil start to dig for something in his pockets. He pulled out a folded slip of paper, handing it over to Logan. "Here, it's.. my number. Just, text me and we can figure out a time to hang out. I gotta get home now, but... see you later, yeah?"

Logan nodded again, still unable to make his lips move to form words. Virgil's smirk grew, and Logan swallowed thickly, waving at him as he turned to walk away. It was silent for a minute after he left, Logan had just been staring and watching as he walked away. Patton finally cleared his throat, drawing his attention.

"What made you decide to do that?" He asked, not in any way sounding bothered by what he chose. More confused than anything.

Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I really do not know."

Jeez okay sorry this took so long. I swear I'll work on some more of this tonight, and I'll try and get a few chapters done ahead of time so I can publish them more frequently. Thanks to everyone who suggested places to hang out in the previous chapter, I hope to do better with updating this. Tell me what you think! Take care of yourselves. Bye!-Bob

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