no way

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we walked back not saying anything then we went inside the house "OK if you are Dallas Winston what did you tell me before you left" " I told you a Winston never gives up" and then I nodded and sat down and look at darry with ice on the side of his face " um... sorry about that punch to the side of your face" "nah it's OK I would have did the same" then I look at Steve " Steve" I said he look at me like waiting for me to say sorry. " So Steve now you know to watch your mouth and not to mess with me and don't hit lady's " I said "and don't even think about hitting my kid sister" Dallas said "OK OK I know not to hit girls and don't mess with....." "yah we never got your name "soda said. I look at Dal he then said something that I had to punch him for " um... her name is Emily" I then got up and made it looked like I was going to hugged him but instead I punch in the face and spat on him. " YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME ASS HOLE" I yelled in his face and then went outside and started to walk down the street crying.

Ponyboy P.O.V

after she went out side I said "nice one Dallas" and went after her I walk down the street to see her sitting by a tree. I walk up to her and saw she was crying I wipe her face with my trumb she look so beautiful but I think she only 11 and I'm turing 15 next week I only wish.

Mariah P.O.V

I was looking at Ponyboy he was so cute but I don't think he likes me I only wish. "I think I'm gonne go back to New York I don't think I'm wanted here" I said sadly "no you should stay here and if you left I would be sad with out you here" I laugh "you are just saying that and you don't even know my name pony" I said and laid my head on his shoulder." no I'm not just saying that because you feel like my kid sister and you can tell me your name when your ready baby" he said a tare feel down my face when he said I'm like his kid sister. I was thinking so much I soon fell asleep with my head on his shoulder.

Dallas kid sister ( outsider fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now