The Truth can hurt more than lies

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"Because I realize the big mistake I made! I should of never start to date Jane we have almost nothing related, she nothing like you!I just didn't know what to do!" Pony weeped he then got a idea. "I could break up with her for you!" I sigh "pony no" I say softly "why?" "Cuz that not right. Would you want me to do that to you?"
"No but-" "no pony!,I will never be with you if you dump her for me. Got it!" I said and leave the room and the house to the lot. When I got there I was so mad,sad, confused. I was mad at myself because I should of let him do what he wanted but that isn't right breaking up with one girl for the other. I mean I would never want that to happen to me so why would I let pony do that to the board. But I want him so bad but that's life you want but can't have every thing. Some things are just hopes and dream. I walk slowly back to the house and I just sit at the kitchen table, thinking. When I see soda come in and my eyes become filled with rage.
"Morning" he said "why!?" "Why what?" Soda asked
"Why you make pony date that broad" "Cuz" "Cuz what!". "Because you broke him when you left! He wasn't the same, he would wait by the phone for hours just waiting for one phone call from his love, but it never came!" I felt a huge pain and suddenly I couldn't breath. "Are you alright!" Soda says worry "n-no i-i-I can't b-breath" "Darry!" Soda yells. Darry was ready awake and he ran into the kitchen he takes one look at me and relax just a tiny bit "sit her down,and get her water, she's just having a panic attack after a couple of minutes she should be fine" soda did as told and I drank the water as if I was dieing of thirst. After a minute of deep breaths soda asks "you alright?" I shoot him a glare but I answer him "good enough" he looks guilty "sorry" he says I don't reply but walk into the leaving room.
I see everybody doing nothing.
I see the broad who I found out her name was Jane.
But I just sit next to Dallas. And wonder why I had a panic attack, maybe it was just the guilt of being a bad person. But was I a bad person? Yeah I gotta be because I gave pony the idea that I would be calling him, that I would be back soon but I was gone a year with out one word to them.
Thinking of this makes me take very short breaths and I feel the pain again its that pain you get after you cryed for a long time its like a stabbing feeling. But I feel as if I can't breath and everybody sees it and pony is the first one by my side. "What's wrong?" I can't take it anymore I buried my face into his chest crying uncontrollably I feel his arms wrapped around me. "I'm so sorry!" I sobbed but I'm sure he didn't hear it but he did. "You have nothing to be sorry about, I'm the one whos sorry" he says softly rocking me. "No!,its my fault that we're not together!" I say but I hadn't ment to. "Its fine,your fine" he says softly. I sake my head no but keeps my head in his chest and his arms are still around me when I remember that we're in the living room, with everyone including Jane, and as if pony is reads my thoughts he carries me to his and soda room and gently puts me down on the bed. He was about to leave when I grab his arm "please stay" I say with a kidda begging voice. He sits next to me stroking my hair and wishpering claiming words to me. I fall asleep after a hour of this.
Bad dream
"Hey greaser" a soc says pony and I don't respond, but pony does tighten his grip on my hand. "Hey baby why don't you come with us instead of that greaser" another ones says "She's mine! Don't you dare lay one finger on her or your dead!" Points says. The three socs smirk "I think your be the one dead" one then grabs my arms and holds me back while the other two go beat the crap out of pony, I was crying my eyes out screaming to let him go that he's my love. Then as if this couldn't get worst one pulled out a six inch switch blade and the color drain out of my face and I started going crazy none stop screaming,crying, and trying to get loose to help pony but the soc grip was made of steel. And then they stabbed pony in the gut.
End of dream
I was shaking awake by pony.
I grab pony immediately and pull him close to me because I fear if I let go the socs will get him. He wrap his arms around me. "What happened" "i-i had a dream about you no us and we got jump and and" I couldn't go on. "Its alright, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere as long as you want me to" I feel pony trembling but then realized it was me who was. I then decided that I have to tell him the rest of the dream and I do to every last detail even when he had yelled that I was his girl.

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