its fine, your fine (chapter 21)

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Sorry I'm trying to fix the chapters

I wake up in a white room and I panic but I feel a tight hold on my hand and see its pony and I clam down. I try to move my shoulder but get a sharp pain in return and I let out a cry of pain but I didn't mean to because I didn't want to wake pony. But what happens, happens but he seemed happy to see me awake. "Thank goodness your awake" he says and pecks me on my lips. The docter comes in "Miss Winston I have to say your very lucky to be alive the knife missed a vain by your heart by an inch or two" the grip pony has on my hand becomes to tight and I look over to him his face is drain of color. The doc leaves "pony to tight your hurting my hand" he let's go
Immediately "sorry" he mumbled. "Pony what's wrong, tell me" I move over on the bed and pat the spot next to me he climbs on. "It my fault that this happened, I should of listen to your" I nod because he right he should of listen to me about calling for a ride. But I say "its fine,your fine" he smiles because he always says this to me. Just then the guys comes in I'm guessing the girls stayed home. Darry started on pony as soon as he step though the door. "Pony why can't you ever use your head! I told you to call one of us when the movie was over!" I didn't feel well and I hate when Darry yell at pony but I can't be mad Darry for this one because pony should of listen and then we wouldn't be here. But I do make Darry stop yelling when I say "please Darry not right now,  shouting gives me a headache and I already don't feel well." It might stop Darry from yelling but of course Dallas Winston is a different story.  "What the hell! I trust you with my kid sister for one night and she gets slapped by one soc and then stabbed by another!" Pony looks over to me because he doesn't know about the snack bar. "Later" I mumble he was going to ask more about it but Dallas still has more to say "And worst of all you went on a date and then you start to flirt with cherry right in front of her! You gave that broad your jacket C'mon! You were on a date with my sister not that red head, I don't know what my sister see in you but if I was her I would break up with your sorry ass" Dallas than left the room to cool off after he said this. I guess the gang decided to give me and ponyboy a minute or they were worry that Dallas might do something stupid.
I look ahead not wanting to look at pony and get a shuden thought how did he know about all that?. "Nene" pony says softly. "Yeah" I say not looking at him "did I really do that?" I Sigh "yes" he takes hold on my hand "I am a horrible boyfriend!" I put my head on his shoulder "pony I wouldn't want anyone else than you". "C'mon you can come home now, Dallas signed you out" Darry said. I get up but I don't make it very far before pony picks me up bridal style and cairres me to Darry truck. We sit in the front seat. We get to his house and as soon I get though the door I am engulfed in hugs from the girls. But pony tells them to give me space because of my shoulder and I'm glad because they kept touching it with out meaning to. "Pony you lucky I don't beat the tar out of you myself, for what you did to mariah" Ruby says.
"I know, I'm surprised Dallas hadn't done it already" Lisa says "i didn't say i wasn't I just haven't had time to do it, yet" Dallas says and bumps pony shoulder as he walks by. "He's really mad isn't he" I say as pony and I sit on the couch. Lisa sits on my other side. "Well yeah he's mad he's finally trying to be a better brother if you haven't noticed" Lisa says I have noticed that he's trying and I appreciate it. "Yeah I know but, but I don't know" I said.
"You hungry?" Pony asks me "nah I'm good" "mariah can I talk to you for a minute, in my room" pony asks I nod and we get up and go to his room. I sit on the edge of his bed "so, why did you call this meeting?" I ask "tell me about the snack bar". Oh that all I'll have no problem telling him that. "Ok so I went to the snack bar and there were as usual a how bunch of soc an- "  pony then cut me off "how many were there, did they tried to do something" "if you let me get done talking your find out. So one guy soc comes up to me and try to get me to go over there, when I said no he tries to put his arm around my waist so I push him and he slaps me then Two-bit came and the soc got kicked out. Then Two-bit walk me back to you, that's pretty much that happens" I said and I did leave some things out but who cares.
Pony sits on the side of me and puts a arm around my shoulder "I should of went with you to the snack bar" "no pony that might up ended up in a fright or something but I'm fine I'm telling you so drop the issue"  "you might be fine but I don't think your emotional stable" pony mumbles. I stopped in my tracks and that just hurts that he would say that.

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