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Quick authors note~~
I noticed more people have been reading this book so thank you very much!! I hope you are enjoying it and I'd really like to know what you think of it! Comment on here or my message board so I can see what you think :)
Back to our regularly scheduled program...


I stayed in my temporary room at the Salvatore's the next day since Katherine was apparently still stuck at the apartment. Dad stayed at the bar. I wasn't glad he was drinking but I was glad he wasn't home near me. It was starting to get dark and I'd already drank two blood bags. I tried to stop the cravings with regular food but it didn't really do much.

I sat by the tv when I heard my phone buzzing from the kitchen. I got up and went to it. I almost forgot the hearing part of the deal.

I read Elena's name and I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey can you meet me at the boarding house?" She asked as I furrowed my brows. 

"I'm already here. What for?" I asked confused.

"No one told you? Damon." She started as I became worried. "He was- he was bit by Tyler." She said hesitantly. I felt my heart sink. My best friend would be the reason Damon would die.

"What?" I asked almost inaudibly.

"He's not in a good state right now but I think you should talk to him. If there's anyone he wants to see right now, it's you. There's some good though. Stefan is looking for a cure from Klaus. It could work." She sighed as I felt tears coming from my eyes. The chances were slim. "I'm heading there now. Meet me there?"

"Okay." I said as I breathed trying to sound okay. I hung up the phone and I fell down. It was so much sadness. He was gonna die, I remembered what happened with Rose and I was so worried.

I sat on the floor crying for a while. When he got here I hoped I didn't loose it. I got up and calmed myself down and when I was done, dad called me.

"Emma." He said as I answered. "Is Damon with you?" He asked almost eagerly.

"No why?" I asked worried.

"He got out. The police are after him and I think he's looking for you." He responded.

"Where do you think he's looking?" I asked worried.

"Well he's probably checking at the movie show if he's not at the house right now. Find him quick before he does something he regrets." He said before I hung up. I ran to the park. I quickly went to look for him. I stood there and put my hair behind my ears.

I heard the movie then people whispering. Then I heard panting. I quickly looked up in the direction it was coming from. I saw Elena and looked at her. I went towards her. "Go somewhere safe. He might think you're Katherine and hurt you." I instructed looking at her worried.

"Where is he?" She asked looking at me.

I listened closely. The panting was behind me now. I turned and saw him looking at us from afar. "He's right there. Go to the car. I'm gonna need you to help me take him home."

He came over and I looked at him. We were behind the movie screen. "Damon." I said looking at him to make sure he was really here.

"Emma." He breathed weakly.

"It's not safe out here. We need to go." I said as I grabbed his face looking at him.

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