16- Kansas City

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     I caught the hand of the boy with memory powers. He was reaching for my head to wipe my memory. I knew he was. The other one had a portal ready and open. They had flung the door shut and locked it, leaving Tony outside powerless. 

     He finally touched my head, my mind going blank. I fell back in a hole, not knowing what was going on. Another person jumped in after me, but I didn't know who it was. He looked really funny. Then, I remember everything. 

     Only, it was a fake past. My fake past consisted of a family, a brother, and a sister in college. I went to an all girls school in Kansas City, Missouri, I have actual pets, and I'm also aspiring to be an actress at some point in my life, or a soccer player. 

     What kind of fake universe did this boy create? 

Third Person P.O.V

     The two fell through the portal onto the ground. Allison's eyes were closed, but Peter stood up straight. He turned to her, trying to wake her up. 

     "Allison, Allison wake up," Peter said grabbing her shoulders. He panicked, then looked down at his clothing. "Oh no. No, no, no." He came to the realization that he was in a different universe, and this wasn't going to be normal. In that moment, Allison's eyes opened. Peter looked down at her, making her try to push herself away. 

     "W-Who are you?" she asked backing away from him. His eyes widened as he held a hand out. He finally took off his mask, trying to smile at her. 

     "It's me. Peter," he responded with a nod. "I'm a friend. I'm trying to help you." Allison looked at what he was wearing, then back up at him. 

     "You're my friend?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows. He looked at the suit, then nodded. 

     "Yes, a high school friend," Peter said. Allison looked confused, pressing her back against the tree. 

     "You go to the boys school?" Allison asked. Peter nodded slightly, going along with it. 

     "Yeah, I do," he said with a smile. Allison nodded, standing up. She looked at his clothes again. 

     "What are you wearing?" she asked pinching her eyebrows together. Peter looked down at his suit, not knowing what to do with it. 

     "Uh, you don't want me to answer that," he said with a smile. Allison nodded, beginning to navigate her way out of the tree's. 

     "You know, I have no idea how you made it into this neighborhood with that on, but my family isn't home. I'll give you some of my brothers clothes," Allison said. Peter followed her as she walked towards a house that sat by a road. He didn't know how to feel about his decision to jump in the portal, but he's fine with it right now. 

     He followed Allison inside where she walked to a room, taking a shirt out of the bottom of the drawer, and jeans out of the bottom of the drawer as well. Peter grabbed them, turning to the bathroom. 

     "Uh, you have on-" He caught on quickly, nodding his head. 

     "Oh, yeah, I do," he said. Allison nodded slightly. Peter turned to the bathroom, stripping the suit off. He pulled on the clothes, then looked in the mirror. He didn't know what to do with his situation. How would they get back? Maybe he just didn't want to let go of Allison. 

     "Hey, Peter, you good in there?" Allison asked from the door. 

     "Yeah, I'm fine," he responded. He opened the door, a little dog immediately running to his leg. He looked down, a smile on his face. 

     "Well, my parents are going to be home soon. They probably won't mind you being here," Allison said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Do you need to call your house?" 

     "Uh, no. I'm good," Peter responded. The front door, and two men walked in the door. 

     "Dad! Father!" Allison smiled. She motioned to her "new" friend. "This is Peter." The two men looked at Peter, smiles on their faces. 

     "Hey, Peter. I'm Michael," the one with brown hair said holding a hand out as he walked to Peter. They shook hands, Peter looked at the second dad, smiling at him. 

     "I'm Steve," he said extending a hand. Peter shook it with a smile, then looked at Allison. 

     "I think I'm going to head out. My aunt is expecting me home," he lied beginning to walk to the front door. 

     "Really? We're just about to make dinner," Michael said walking to the dining room table and pulling out bread. 

     "I could probably call her. See what she says," Peter said. He then realized he didn't have a phone. Well, it was in his suit. 

     "Great," Steve said with a smile. Peter quickly walked to the suit sitting in Allison's "room", grabbing his phone. He found he had signal, but when he pressed May's number, it went straight to voicemail. He tried Tony, not getting any answer either. He tried every contact, soon getting to Allison's. He pressed on it, hearing the familiar ring. It was Confident by Demi Lovato. He quickly hung up, grabbing the phone from the bedside table. 

     "Peter? You staying or not?" Allison asked walking into the room. He turned, nodding slightly. 

     "Yeah, give me a minute," he said hiding the phone behind his back. Allison nodded, leaving the room again. He set her phone down, pulling up his text messages. He created a new conversation with Mr. Stark, sending him an SOS. 

     He put his phone in his pocket, turning to the suit. He folded it quickly, shoving it under a pillow. He put a note on it, walking out of the room. The three looked at him, their faces lighting up. 

     "Uh, I just remembered my aunt and I are going on a trip to New York these next few days," Peter lied clapping his hands together. "I'll stop by when I get back though." 

     "Yeah, anytime. See you in a few days," Allison smiled. She waved at him as Peter left. He immediately walked down the street to see a bus boarding people. He quickly snuck on top, lying down to not get noticed. 

     Allison, on the other hand, walked back into her room. She realized that Peter had left the weird thing he had on earlier. She searched her room, eventually finding it under her pillow. She grabbed the sticky note attached to it. 

     I'll be back tonight around midnight for the suit. After that, we're going on an adventure. 

     A smile grew on Allison's face as she read the note several times. She looked at Peter's little get up again, holding it up. For a slightly moment, she swore she could feel a past life itching in her mind. 

     "Hey, come help with the roles!" Michael yelled from the kitchen. 

     "Coming!" Allison yelled. She shoved the suit under the pillow, leaving the note sitting on her bed.

     Peter was going to make her remember.



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