6- Peter Pancake Parker

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     Finals week. My least favorite week of the year, and it's only one week. Here's to hoping that finals week is a good week. No having to leave right after school to go deal with a robbery or a burning building. 

     "Mr. Parker, take your seat!" my teacher said. I nodded, sitting down as the last person in the class to sit. I looked across the room to see Allison looking at me. She gave me a thumbs up, making me smile. She can always make my day better. "Alright, this is your history final. You pass and you go to sophomore year. You don't pass, you don't go to sophomore year. It's everything we have learned in the past freshmen year, so be prepared." 

    "Hey, Peter." I turned to Ned, nodding. 

    "Yeah?" I asked. 

     "Did you see Vanish on the news over the weekend?" he asked making me shake my head. 

     "No, I was studying. What happened?" I whispered, being careful not to fully turn to him. 

     "She caught two bank robbers while at gun point. And from the footage that one of the civilians got, she sounded really pretty," he informed me. Well yeah, Allison is really pretty. 

     "Oh really?" I asked, trying to sound interested. "I guess I'll have to listen to it." Believe me, I'll hear it again. 


     After a long day of tests, I think it is safe to say that getting out at noon is perfect. Now I can go anywhere in Queen's for lunch if I want to. Believe me I will. Here's to hoping that I don't have to leave in the middle of my lunch for a robbery. 

     "Hello Peter Parker," Allison said walking up from behind me. 

    "Hello Allison Williams," I responded with a smile. 

     "You know, I bet your middle name is something else that starts with a p," she said grabbing the straps of her backpack. 

     "What would is be?" I asked laughing a bit. 

     "You full name is probably Peter Pancake Parker," she smiled with a nod. She looked at me, making me laugh and shake my head. 

     "You are something else, Allison," I said looking forward. 

     "Yeah, but I'm a great something else," she said walking to her locker. I stopped with her as she grabbed the stuff she would take home and never bring back. "You want to get lunch?" 

     "Lunch? Like a..." I wave my hands, making her look over. 

     "Like a best friend lunch?" she suggested. Best friends. So she friend zoned me. That's always nice. "Sure, we'll call it a date instead though." 

     "I was supposed to ask you out, but that backfired," I laughed slightly, making Allison nod and step back from the locker. 

     "Well, I'll let you keep practicing," she said with a slight shrug. "Come on, I've got a great idea." 

     "This great idea sounds a little suspicious," I said following her down the hall. 

     "It's okay, you'll feel stupid when we get there," she said walking around a corner. "And I don't feel like walking so we have to get in an isolated area." 

     "Oh come on," I complained following her down the hall. 

     "Oh the last time I teleported you somewhere bad was outside of a building and you fell fifty feet. Sorry about that by the way," she said opening the door to the only bathroom people don't use in this school. 

     "Really?" I asked confused. 

     "Yes," she said with a nod, "I do it all the time." I nod, walking in and standing in the middle of the room. "Okay, don't let go of me whatsoever." 

     "Got it," I responded. I take her hands, watching as she concentrates to where we're going. And in seconds, we're there. 


     After getting us to the take out Chinese place, we ordered what we wanted. Peter paid and within minutes we were walking out towards the ally we had emerged from. 

     "I'm guessing Chinese wasn't the place you wanted to take me to," he said making me laugh a bit. 

     "It wasn't. I've got a good one in mind," I said shrugging my shoulders. I look behind us and pull him behind a wall to get us where I want to go. He takes my hands again, holding onto the bag as well. I concentrate, picturing the place in my mind. And once I do that, we're there. We both open our eyes, looking around the roof top before us. 

     "Wow," he said letting go of my hand. 

     "You like it?" I asked stepping forward. 

     "Well, yeah," Peter answered. He turned around, realizing that we were on top of his apartment complex. "This is the complex?" 

     "Yeah," I smiled, walking to the table that had always been there. There's one on mine too. "I thought it would be great to come here." 

     "It is great," he said walking towards me. He smiled, then noticed the food. "I think we should eat." 

     "Yeah," I laughed, grabbing the food. We began eating our food. The entire time talking and laughing about the fight, school, stories that we have, and memories. It was... amazing. There was no way else I could've picture that day going. 

     "Hey, you wanna get an even better view?" Peter asked standing up. 

     "What do you mean?" I asked standing up with him. He took his jacket off, then his shirt to reveal the Spider-Man suit that Stark made him. "Ooh, I am ready for this." 

     "I knew you would be," he smiled as he took off his pants as well. He grabbed the mask, putting it on and walking towards me. "Hold on." And I did. He began swinging from building to building, and eventually we were probably on the highest building yet. 

     It was gorgeous. The sun reflected off the windows and the people below looked like ants. Cars looked like they were very fast people. It was all amazing. And the best part of it all? I have the honor of calling it the city that I live in and love. The city we protect together. 

     There's nothing better than that. 


     We make it back to the roof top where out stuff is, and Peter takes off the mask. 

     "Was it amazing?" he asked making me nod. 

     "Perfect," I said walking to my bag and sitting down. Peter walked over as well, swinging his leg around the bench and making me look over. "What are you doing?" 

     "Oh I'm just sitting here," he said resting an elbow on the table. He smiled at me, making me turn and swing a leg over the table to face him. 

     "What are we?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together. Peter breathed in. He was probably hoping that I wouldn't ask that. 

     "We," he paused, breathing out this time, "are Vanish and Spider-Man." The start made me smile wider. "We help the city, we save people, we both fought with Avengers," he laughed making me laugh as well. "But, we're also Allison and Peter. We're really good friends who know a lot about each other just from being Vanish and Spider-Man." 

     The moment was perfect. He knew how to make it perfect too. As we stared into each others eyes, it felt like the moment was going to last forever. I wanted it to. I'm pretty sure we both want it to last forever. And it seems to be getting better. We both started leaning in, thinking to do exactly what we wanted. 

     But moments are ruined too. The door knob that leads to the roof starts to turn, making us both look over. I grab both our bags, then grab Peter's hand. I think about my room picturing it and soon enough we're there. But no, it can get worse. Because there was a loud thud that made us both look over to my bed. 

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