9- Amnesia?

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     It's all a bit fuzzy. My sight, that is. And my memory of what happened. Where am I? And why can't I hear anything. What is happening? I can't see either. Well, I can, but it's all white. Is this Heaven? How did I get here? 

     One thing is certain, I shouldn't be dead. But the thing is, my body is weak. My power was a part of me that charged me for who I am. It became my life force, and now that it is fading out and I'm weak, I can't really do much. Hence why I can't see or hear right now. Well, hear only. 

     "How long has she been asleep?" Woaaaaah. Okay, let's slow down. Who was that? He sounded oddly familiar. Like I have known him since grade school. 

     "Few days." DAYS?! 

     "What a great start to summer," the other person grumble. Who are these people. "When will she wake up." He sounds like a Tom. 

     "Few hours, or tomorrow. Any minute now, actually. Why is this affecting her this much? It was a small fire," the other man asked making me want to turn my head. 

     "Her power became her source of life. Now that it's weak, she's weak," the first man said. Wake up, wake up. 

     "We'll run more tests to see how she'll be doing without her powers," second man said. Without my powers? I don't have my powers. Oh hell no, it's time to wake up. And I do. It felt so weird because I woke up with a gasp and immediately started coughing. They both rush to me, one putting his hand on my shoulder. I shake at his touch. crawling over the back of the bed and falling to the ground, then stand up. 

     "Where the hell am I?" I asked, grabbing something that looked like a knife. They watched me as I held it out at both of them, and kept backing up. 

     "Allison, calm down. It's just Mr. Stark," the boy said making me turn and look at him with fear. 

     "I just woke up in a place with two people I don't know at all. Now I'm going to ask one more time, where the hell am I?" I repeated, making them both let their guard down and look at each other. 

      "Where were you last?" the older man asked making me furrow my eyebrows. Something with a warehouse. 

     "A warehouse, somewhere in Phili. This man," I paused, having all of that come back to me. Am I missing something in my life? "He tortured me. He did experiments on me, and now I can't do what he said I could." 

     "Do what?" the boy asked making me shrug. 

     "I can't remember, all I remember is cops and a warehouse and torture. Now why am I here and why do I feel old?!" I yelled, dropping the tool I was holding. 

     "Amnesia," the older man whispered making me look over. 

     "What?" I asked confused. 

     "Allison?" the boy asked making me look over. 

     "What year is it?" I asked while my hands were shaking. 

      "Two thousand seventeen," the boy said. Tears form in my eyes, making me shake my head. 

     "No, no it's not. It's...." I study their eyes, the look of hurt in both of them makes me believe them. "Two thousand seventeen." 

     "I know it's a lot to take in, believe me I was held hostage in Afghanistan for three months." I'm guessing he's Mr. Stark. I hate the mister, let's just use Stark.

     "That's being held hostage. My past is torture and a lot of things I want to remember but I can't. You don't know what that feels like. How many days has it been since I was last awake?" I asked, grabbing the chair behind me and sitting down. 

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