Original: Chapter 46 - The Plan

Start from the beginning

"Sophia, I don't want to dampen your mood so don't turn around, but Brad just walked in with someone," my heart began to beat quicker and quicker. I glanced up at my friend who sat with her head ducked down looking at me concerned. Is this why she was so agitated the whole time, she must've seen Brad walk in a few minutes ago. 

"Let's go somewhere else, I can't stand being in the same room as that bastard," Jasmine said through gritted teeth.

I followed her out, making sure to stay as close behind her as possible so that he wouldn't see me. Luckily he didn't see me or Jasmine, but that didn't settle my nerves at all- his eyes weren't on me but at the same time, it still felt like he was watching my every move. He wasn't in my life anymore but it still felt like he was always 2 steps behind me, threatening to catch up.

"Can we just go back to the hotel and order a Chinese?" 

"I could really do with a Chinese right now," Jas said rubbing her forehead in frustration.

"They said delivery will be 20 minutes," I looked over at Jasmine who was concentrating on driving, "are you okay?"


"Of course, I'm always here if you want to talk about anything." 

"I'm not ready to talk about it yet Soph,"

"Well whatever it is, when you are ready I'm here to talk." 

Back at the hotel I set up the coffee table with Chinese pots and located a couple of plates from the kitchen section of the hotel room. We sat at either end of the couch facing each other, plates in our laps chatting like we used to back when we lived in that ratty old apartment. 

How different everything is now. Here I am sat in a beautiful- and expensive hotel room with my best friend, both in financially better situations than a few months earlier. Yes, I had just lost $250,000 dollars but I never really had that money, to begin with. It was my grandmother's and I survived without it in the first place so I can do it again. 

Along with our food, we each had a bottle of beer. As the afternoon went on we began to consume more and more alcohol from the mini fridge, after all Noah did say he would cover all expenses of this room. 

I cleared away the leftovers and washed the plates, well as well as I could since I was pretty drunk and kept walking into the island as I turned around to place a plate on it. Jasmine didn't get up at all to help, she just stayed laying on the sofa crying- she tends to get pretty emotional when she is drunk. 

"Sophia," Jasmine dragged out the a. 

"What?" I snapped as I walked into the island for the third time. 

"I don't know what to do," she sniffed still crying. I picked up two bottles of water and walked over to my emotional best friend. 

"Here," I handed her the bottle. It was only 5 pm and we really needed to sober up. There is definitely something bothering her but I didn't dare ask. If she wanted to tell me she I would only want to hear it when she was sober.

She continued to cry, so I held her in my arms for comfort. She cried into my shoulder and we stayed like that for a quite a long time- enough time for both of us to sober up. Jas reached over to the remote for the tv and she switched it on. 

"I need to tell you something..." Jas trailed off. 

"What is it?" I sat her up so that we were facing each other and I turned the sound down on the tv. 

She looked at me and then to her hands as if she was ashamed of something, "The reason I kept my distance is because I've been struggling with the truth...I'm bisexual." 

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