Chapter 8 - A Musical Truth

Start from the beginning

Vaughan then heard some voices in the background. It sounded like bickering at first, then it slowly turned into arguing that Vaughan could barely hear what Optimus was saying. Something about sending Jazz over as soon as possible. She listened closely to the voices and after processing them in her head for a moment, instantly recalled them. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe.

Or as the rest of the Autobots like the call them, the Terror Twins.

"Hey Prime who are you talking to?" asked Sunstreaker.

"Is that Vaughan? Aw I want to talk to her!" said Sideswipe. "Please, please, please?"

Optimus sighed heavily as Vaughan could hear his footsteps as he moved to the side, allowing the twins to take his place. 

"Vaughan? It's me Sunstreaker." 

"Hey Sunstreaker. How are you and Sideswipe?" she asked.

"Oh we've been doing great since last night." Sunstreaker answered. 

"Yeah why didn't you stick around?" asked Sideswipe.

"Because we humans need something called sleep. Think of it as our own recharge." Vaughan explained. 

"A recharge? Why didn't you say so! You could have just said the word and bunk with us--" began Sunstreaker until he was interrupted with a loud metal clashing noise. "That's quiet enough you two." said Optimus. Vaughan imagined he must have moved them out of the way before the twins could continue. She had a finally if Sunstreaker kept talking he might have possibly said something he would regret.

"Jazz isn't the only one who is recovering." The Prime added.

"I could tell." Vaughan said with a quiet chuckle. "So you'll be sending Jazz over?"

"Yes, he'll be there momentarily." answered Optimus.

"Okay thanks Optimus. Give the others my regards." said Vaughan.

"And you as well Vaughan. Take care." replied Optimus.

Vaughan hung up her iPhone with a smile. "This is going to be great!" she thought. She left her room, knocking on Spike's door again then sliding the slip of paper with the phone number of Teletraan-1 through the bottom opening of the door. 

She then stepped back into her room, picking up her laptop as she proceeded down the stairs and towards the front door, pulling her sneakers on. "Hey Sparkplug? I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be out at the front." 

"That's fine darlin'. Don't go too far." He replied, still reading the paper.

"No problem."

Vaughan left the house and walked down the front steps before pulling herself down, taking a seat on the first step. She opened up her laptop and decided to take another look at her second dubstep song on her YouTube channel. She recalled reading the tiny font on her uncles newspaper saying that as of the release of that issue, the video had half a million hits. She brought up the page with her video to see that the view count had gone up to 900,000 hits!

"Holy crap...." she thought. "This is happening all so fast." 

The sound of a car honking at her caught Vaughan's attention as she looked up to see Jazz pull up in front of the house. "Hey Jazz!"

"Hi Vaughan, Prime said you needed some company?" he replied. 

"Yeah.Sparkplug doesn't want me or Spike to go anywhere today." said Vaughan. 

"Yeah I heard. Prime even said that you'd die of boredom if you didn't see us?" Jazz asked her. She could tell that the Autobots was grinning even though he was in vehicle mode. "Now we can't allow that now can we?"

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