"I- I don't know." He sighed lightly with a shake of his head. I looked forward and let a tear fall from my eye. I was surprised.

"I died." I cried lightly. "I almost tried to kill my dad." I continued. I hadn't cried this much ever.

"Hey, it's not your fault." He assured looking at me but I kept crying. "Emma." He grabbed my hand and held it. "Everything will be okay. I'll help you figure everything out. You'll make it through this."

"Promise?" I asked looking to him.

"I promise." He nodded to me. We got to the boarding house and Damon held my hand as we went in. We walked down the hallway to the basement and I felt myself starting to remember things. It started to cloud my vision.

I went down the upstairs hallway and I saw Andie running out putting on her coat. She was definitely in lingerie but she was crying so I assumed that meant her efforts didn't work.

I was walking past Damons room which was one before mine and I saw him sitting on the ground. He had just stomped out of the living room and I was worried. "Hey. Are you okay? I just saw Andie." I asked looking to him as he turned and I saw blood on his chin. "What did you do?" I asked as I walked in.

"She wouldn't leave. I told her to and she didn't and I got angry." He replied as I went towards him.

"Is it because of what happened with Stefan?" I asked. I began to remember the memory and when it happened. It was the night Damon and Stefan got in a fight.

"You heard us?" He asked worried.

"No, but he did say you were upset." I replied as I walked over to him. "What happened?"

"It's not important." He said standing up.

"It is actually. You got angry at me so that means it had to do with me. What did he say?" I asked.

"If I tell you I'd have to make you forget." He replied as I looked to him.

"Okay." I nodded. "I haven't drank vervain coffee since I was last at my house." I shrugged lightly.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because it's not a regular item at Casa de Salvatore." I replied. "Besides I trust you both to not compel me, but if you think you have to-" I started as I took off my bracelet. "-then you can." I handed it to him as he held it by the chain.

"Why do you want to know if you'll forget?" He asked shaking his head.

"Because I know you need to let it out and I'm here for you. I know you need to let it out so tell me your secret." I urged looking to him.

"You. My secret it you." He sighed looking at me as I furrowed my brows. "Stefan and I were fighting because he thinks I'm bad for you. He thinks I'll brake you."

"Brake me?" I asked confused.

"He thinks that if I act on my feelings then you will just end up doing things that you'll end up regretting." He explained looking at me emotionally. I looked at him surprised. His secret was that he liked me and I wasn't mad about it. I was actually kind of happy.

"And since when does his opinion matter?" I asked confused. "Since when does he decide what you do?"

"He's right Emma. I'll never be able to be good for you. I'll just make everything worse and I can't do that to you." He said as he put his hand on my cheek.

"Everything is already bad. To be honest you've been a light in the darkness of everything." I explained.

"Really when?" He asked in disbelief moving his hand.

"My mom died and you were the first person to ask if I was okay. My dad got possessed and you were the one to let me in. You've always been the first to make sure how I felt and that is something that I didn't recognize until you came along." I explained.

"But I've done so much wrong. I've ruined things for you too." He shook his head.

"Name one that you didn't genuinely apologize for." I suggested and it was quiet. I got closer and I smiled lightly. "You've made things better wether you want to admit it or not. And even though you're about to take this moment away, this is another to add to the list of good."

"Why do you see the good?" He asked curiously. "You've always seen the good."

"Because it takes a bad person to know one and I know that underneath is the person I'm seeing now. The person who just wants to be loved. The piece of you I've been looking for is here." I wiped the blood streak that ran from his lip to his chin and wiped the blood on his shirt. "The kindhearted, caring, protective you." I looked back up to his eyes as he let out a tear.

"I don't want you to forget." He revealed his voice unwavering.

"I don't have to." I replied. I was okay with this.

"Yes you do." He blinked causing another tear to follow. I wiped them just like he did for me all those times.

"Why?" I asked curiously. I liked Damon when he showed his underneath. The side of him that was more compassionate. He treated it like a weakness but it was a strength.

"Because I love you Emma. I love you and I'll ruin everything for you. I can't let myself make things worse for you no matter how hard it may be." He shook his head.

I looked to him and got on my tippy toes grabbing his face and kissing him. It was different than the last time. This time it meant something more. We both wanted it. His hands rested on my neck lifting up my chin to kiss him. I felt one of his tears fall on my cheeks and he pulled away quickly.

"I can't." He whispered sadly but it looked like everything in him was telling him he could. Another tear fell. "I can't let myself do this."

I nodded as I wiped his tear. "But Damon-" I started.

"No." Damon said as he grabbed my cheeks and looked at my eyes. "You'll forget that you came in here to talk to me and that you saw Andie. You'll forget everything that I told you. You only came to ask for pajamas." He compelled looking to me as I moved my hand from his face.

"Hey do you have a shirt I can sleep in?" I asked as he nodded. He wiped his eyes. "Something in your eye?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. Stray dust I guess." He sighed as he grabbed a shirt. He threw it to me.

"Thanks." I smiled lightly as I looked at the black shirt.

I kept walking, the memory only taking a second. I looked at Damon who walked in front of me almost in shock, still holding his hand. I didn't know what to do about it all. He took me to a freezer. I smelt something good. I knew it was blood.

Silver Linings {A TVD Fanfic trilogy}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora