I saw something move and started to shoot at it. I killed it swiftly after a few shots. It was a feral ghoul. I looked through a few chests before going into the biggest building, the barn.

My face drained of color as I walked in. It smelled awful, like rotting flesh. I saw some stairs leading down. I hesitantly went down them. 

I past by dead ghouls and rotting meat. I tried my best not to throw up anywhere, this was to much. I looked up ahead. There were cages. My eyes lit up as I walked faster towards them. 

I frowned. They were empty..

My eyes scanned the whole area, but there was no sign that anyone was here. I walked backwards and went up the stairs again.

That was a bust. I didn't find anything. Did they lie to me? I growl and walk back toward Sky's base. I'm going to kick their ass. 

~ ~ 

I open the door's to their armory and walk in. Both of them looked shock and held their guns.

"Woah! (Y/N)! You actually scared us." Sky said nervously. He frown when he saw how pissed off I looked. 

"You lied to me." I threw my stuff down and sat down. My eyes narrowed at both of them, waiting for their excuses. 

"Hey, don't blame us. It's what we heard. You shouldn't have went there without checking your facts." I glare at Sky, this shut him up. 

'They have a point. This guys are probably right, I guess I've grown out of my bounty hunting ways.' I thought. 

"Well, I think you're going to like this." Ross say hesitantly. I looked up at him, "What?"

"Oh yeah! You're boyfriend and his dog came by earlier while you were gone." Sky explained. I continued to glare at him because of the 'Boyfriend' thing. But stopped when I realized what he was telling me. 

"Wait Cory? Where? What did you do to them?" I looked at the two of them. They looked at each other nervously. 

"We sort of, locked them in a cage." Ross answered. I groan. 

"For a good reason though. We kinda need him for something. He kept going on about his ghoul friend and we said we knew something about him." Sky explained.

My eyes widened, "You know something about Adam? And you weren't going to tell me?" I sigh. "This is fine, I guess. For now. Where did you put them?" I asked. 

"Where we keep all the prisoners. Down underground." Ross told me. I get up once more and walk out.

"I'm kicking both your asses when I get back. Can't believe you lock them up." I walked down the stair and go along the borders of the base. It wasn't too far down. Just enough so the won't escape.

I look up to see two cells. One empty and one..

"Cory! Uni! Alpha!" I yelled running up to the cell. Cory's head turned at the sound of my voice. 

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Cory run up to the bars and looked at me up and down. Alpha stood next to Uni as she tried to lick me through the bars. 

Don't Fall Down (A NewScapePro X Reader Fallout)Where stories live. Discover now