Chocolate Coins & Booze

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Harry woke up early the next morning. So early that the birds were only just starting to sing.
Although, last nights affairs weren't great, his dream about a cetain blue eyed boy had put him in a good mood. Unfortunately, the feeling was gone too soon. He heard the sound of a suitcase being zipped up and quickly got out of bed to investigate.
He walked out the bedroom door, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and bumped into a suprised looking Alex.
Harry looked him up and down and saw that he had a duffel bag across his shoulders and a suitcase in hand. He gave him a questioning look.
Alex sighed "I didn't want to disturb you, you looked so peaceful sleeping. I just got a call that I have to attend an urgent meeting in Florida."
Harry looked out the hallway window behind Alex and saw Elenor sitting in Alex's car with sunglasses on her head.
Harry scoffed, annoyed he'd been lied to "You really except me to belive that bullshit? You honestly think I'm that stupid?"
"Harry,baby, please don't make this any harder for me. You know I don't want to leave you alone."
"Oh fuck off with all that 'I don't want to leave' crap." Harry said, his voice rising, "This is exactly the same shit you did with my mother when you left her for m-"
"Harry!" Alex's voice echoed off the walls, "You're not allowed talk to me like that! And you're especially not allowed to mention that woman's name in my house!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say the truth. Have I annoyed you?" Harry answered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Harry could tell by the way Alex held himself, he was done talking. Now he was going to use something strong than words; his fists.
And that he did. He brought his balled fist back behind him and then launched it forward, aimed at Harry's jaw.
Harry, so used to getting hit, nearly let Alex hit him, nealry.
Before the fist could make impact, Harry grabbed onto Alex's wrist and stopped the collision course. His grip was like an iron band. He wasn't going to let go.
Harry looked Alex in the eye "You are not allowed hit me anymore. You are not allowed use my body. I am not a punching bag. I am not a sex toy either. Get out of this house, right now."
Alex wanted the last word, Harry wasn't going to let him but he quickly took the silence that followed to say "I will leave and I'll have a great time with Elenor. I don't need you, Harry. You should know this by now. I have plenty of other options. You were nothing but a nusince to me. A second mouth to feed, if you will. I love my Elenor, not you. So if you think that what you said hurt me you're wrong."
And with that Alex wrenched his wrist out of Harry's grip and out of Harry's life. As he walked down the stairs, he called back "I'll be back on Monday. I want you and all the belongings I didn't buy for you out of my house before then."
And that's what Harry did. He took all his belongings, which were very few and left the house that was a prison for him for so long.
But not before he smashed the framed picture of him, Alex and Gumdrop at the carnval. He felt like a completely different person when compared to him in that photo. He then snatched Gumdrop off of their bed- Alex's bed- and threw it on the ground along with the glass shards.


Harry didn't know he was going to Louis' house, until he was infront of it, a small backpack in hand and a sore heart.
He rang the doorbell once. No answer. He glanced back to make sure Louis' car was in the drive way. He rang a second time. And saw one of the lights at the top of the house turn on.
He heard a crash from somewhere inside the house and a line of profanities. He smiled to himself.
After a moment, the door swung open to reveal a bedraggled-looking Louis. His hair was sticking out in different directions and the upper half of his body was without a shirt. Harry blushed at the sight of his skin. Louis raised an eyebrow at Harry's bag and said "What's that for? We having a sleep over that I wasn't aware of?" He looked up at the sky and continued with a grin "Not much of a sleep over if it's nearly 8 AM."
Harry rolled his eyes "Good morning to you too."
Louis let him in and then asked again, more serious this time around "Seriously though what's up with the bag? The Warden never let's you out of the house alone. Much less my house."
Harry laughed at Louis' nickname for Alex but then felt a pang of sadness. He realized that he would never feel the warmth of Alex sleeping beside him or the suprise of Alex taking him out to dinner.
Louis put a hand on Harry's shoulder and said concern in his voice "Harry there's something you're not telling me. What's wrong?"
Harry's didn't answer as he didn't think his voice would hold up. He was on the verge of tears.
Louis looked him in the eye and asked gently "Hazza?"
Harry wiped his eyes, trying to get rid of the forming tears and replied quietly "Just make me feel better. I want to forget him."
Louis nodded and brought Harry further into the house, his arm wrapped around Harry's waist. Harry melted into the gesture.
Soon they were both sitting on the loveseat in the small living room, a bottle of hard liquor and a box of chocolate coins between them.
Harry asked Louis, a chocolate in his mouth "Why do you have so many chocolate coins?"
Louis sighed "They've always made me feel better. When I was a kid, Mum gave me one whenever I was sad."
Harry nodded and took a swig from the bottle.
Louis pointed to the TV and asked "Star Wars? I've them all recorded and I'll call sick into work so we'll have the whole day free."
Harry nodded excitedly "But what if you get into trouble at work? I don't want you skipping work just for me."
Louis laughed, a sound Harry thought was beautiful "It's Tesco how much trouble can I get into?"
Harry took another drink and all painful thoughts about Alex disappeared, replaced with glorious thoughts of a certain Louis Tomlinson.

Halfway through the third movie and many bottles later, Harry looked over at Louis and smiled. Louis looked back at Harry and asked "What?"
Harry glanced at his lips and sighed "Do I have to do everything myself?"
Louis laughed "If i remember correctly, I was the one who got you that sandwich" He pointed to a peanut butter and jam sandwich lying on the coffee table "and you haven't even eaten it all."
Harry rolled his eyes "Not what I meant."
"What did you mean,Harry?" The hint of a challenge in Louis' voice.
"I meant that you shoul- just kiss me you fool."
And with that Harry pressed his lips to Louis'. Their first kiss was short and sweet. This one, however, was full of passion and desire.
Louis placed his hand on the bottom of Harry's spine, pulling him closer. Harry had his arms wrapped around Louis' neck.
The kiss was deepening when suddenly the doorbell rang. Louis groaned as Harry pulled away. He then said "You should get that, Lou."
Louis pouted like a child and replied "But I was enjoying the movie."
Harry hit him lightly on the arm and said "I'll turn the movie off if you don't hurry up and answer the door."
Louis got to his feet and ran out of the room as the doorbell rang for the third time. Harry smiled and touched his lips with his fingers. He had really kissed Louis!
He heard the door open and walked down the hallway to see who it was. Before he could leave the living room, he heard Louis yell "What're you doing here?!"

Okay so I know how I said it'd put this on hold. But I kinda have a lot of good ideas for this story now. I'll try updating every Saturday, if not then every two weeks I'll update longer chapters.
Cliffhanger. Harry stood up to Alex! Larry kissed. Does anyone remember the 'kiss me you fool' scene from the X Factor days? And the chocolate coins they were eating? Ill put the link to the video if you don't remember
Anyways I hope you liked it. Make sure to vote and like!
Until next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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