Icy Stares & Black Dresses

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Louis had been helping Eleanor cook after he'd come home from his part time job at none other than the glorious Tesco. Having a house with your girlfriend while trying to pay off student loans is pretty hard and if it wasn't for the fact that his mum was helping him pay, he'd probably be living on the streets. And so Tesco was his only option. Louis had to sit at the counter for 4 hours each day and help old ladies find the right amount of change. It was boring and most of the time he told my boss that he needed to go to the bathroom and stay in there for hours, but that all changed when he noticed Harry shopped at Tescos. Louis was shocked to see him again and even more shocked to find him outside his front door with a little box of cupcakes in hand. By the expression on his face Harry was pretty shocked too. His boyfriend, however, looked unfazed by the unusual coincidence.
Louis called to Eleanor, who was upstairs putting some makeup on and told her our guests had arrived. He opened the door wider and said with a goofy grin "Welcome to the Tomlinson household, please come in."
Harry giggled and stepped inside, looking around the house. But Louis was all too focused on the sound of Harry giggling. It was the cutest thing he'd ever heard. He was snapped out of my thoughts when Alex, who Eleanor won't shut up about, said "I'd appreciate if you stopped gawking at my boyfriend."
Louis merely nodded and offered to take their coats. He didn't like this Alex guy already and they'd only said a few words to each other. Just as Louis was about to put the coats in the closer, Eleanor came down the stairs and they all looked up. She was wearing the sexiest dress he had even seen her in. It had lace and it was black and my god don't even get me started on the amount of leg on show.
She smiled at Alex and Harry and said "Sorry I didn't mean to take that long. I hope Louis was behaving."
Louis rolled his eyes and put the coats in the closet, quickly, before walking over to Eleanor and wrapping an arm around her waist as he caught Alex staring. Louis then said "Shall we make our way into the dining room?"
Harry nodded and off they went down the narrow hallway and into the kitchen that opened up into the dining room.
They sat down at the table, that Eleanor made sure was perfect with polished cutlery and gleaming plates.
Alex made sure he was sitting next to Eleanor. He claimed that he wanted to be able to see Harry's pretty face. Louis rolled his eyes when he said that but didn't object, he didn't mind sitting next to Harry.
Eleanor and Alex went straight into conversation, talking about business and whatnot. Harry and Louis, however, sat side by side not saying a word.
Louis noticed Harry was clutching a container of adorable looking cupcakes. He leaned over to Harry and said "Bought those in Tescos, did you?"
Harry shook his head and said shyly "Actually I made them, I was getting the bun cases at Tescos."
Louis was impressed. The cupcakes looked like they'd been made in a bakery. He then said "Where'd you learn to bake like that. It's seriously impressive."
Harry's cheeks flushed red as he said "Well I actually worked in a bakery when I was sixteen, so I kinda had to pick up or else I'd have been fired."
Louis chuckled and just as he was about to reply, Eleanor called him into the kitchen. He excused himself and walked in, going straight to Eleanor's side and helping her dishing up the food. Eleanor kissed him on the cheek as he took two plates in his hands and walked back to Harry and Alex. He set a place in Alex's place and whispered in his ear
"Don't think I didn't see you looking at Eleanor. Might want to keep your eyes on her face next time."
Alex face went red and he was about to say something back when Eleanor announced "Why don't Harry and Lou go outside and talk, while me and Alex talk some business. You two," she looked at Harry and I, "will get bored and anyways it's top secret business stuff!"
Louis sighed, knowing that what Eleanor said was final, took a plate from Eleanor and walked through the sliding doors. Harry followed suit and soon the pair were both freezing their asses off while trying to eat the pasta and salad on their plates and yet they somehow managed to talk for an hour nonstop about anything and everything.
Just as they finished our food, Louis remembered the heaters Eleanor had insisted they install outside, last autumn.
They would've come in hand, Louis though.
He glanced through the sliding windows and saw that Eleanor and Alex were still engrossed in conversation.
I guess we're staying outside for a bit longer, he thought.
He looked over at Harry and saw that he was shivering, that was probably because they didn't think to take our coats with them. He shook his head, this was ridiculous. He was in the backyard of his own house in the freezing cold while his girlfriend and her coworker, who was going all googly eyes on her, were discussing business while his boyfriend was out here stuck with Louis
He signed about to start a conversation with Harry when the sliding door opened and Alex calls out to Harry "Haz, we better head home, I've got work in the morning and you've got right finish that assignment of yours."
Harry nodded, handed Louis the box of cupcakes that he completely forgot about and said to him, a smile on his plump lips "I had a nice time, even if we were freezing. Tell Eleanor the food was great."
Louis smiled and said "I did too, it was nice meeting you for real this time."
Harry waved and walked over to Alex, who was glaring at Louis as he said "See you soon, Louis."
Louis nodded and walked to the door with Eleanor, who was giving them their coats and bidding the goodnights and see you soons.
They walked out the door and to their car and just as Harry was getting in the car, he locked eyes with Louis. And let me tell you, it sent chills up Louis's spine and his heart skipped a beat when Harry's beautiful green eyes winked at him. Before Louis could react the car was gone and the door was closed.
Eleanor kissed Louis on the cheek and said she'd clean up and then she'd follow him to bed.
He walked up the stairs, got into his pajamas and slipped into bed, all the while thinking about those greens eyes that were so many shades of green you could never pin point which they actually were.
God I hope he forgot to buy some eggs today and that I can see him again tomorrow, he thought.
That's how he fell asleep that night, not thinking about the beautiful girlfriend he had but of the charming boy he could never be with.

I had some free time today and decided to update again. It's not the best chapter, I know. Hopefully the next chapters are a little more interesting. I doubt I'll be updating till next Wednesday as I have exams but we'll see. Anyways vote and comment!

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