Arts & Crafts

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Louis woke up the morning after having kissed Harry, to the nagging sound of Zayn's voice telling him to get up. Louis reached over to Eleanor's side wanting to feel her silky brown hair in his fingers, only to remember she had left.
Louis rolled over and hit Zayn in the arm, saying, his voice raspy "Can you please shut up for a second? My head hurts like hell."
Zayn replied, pulling the duvet off of Louis "Well your head'll hurt more when you're late for class... again. You haven't been going for weeks now."
Louis groaned "Well maybe if the classes actually inspired my creativity, I'd be going more."
Zayn rolled his eyes and while walking out the room called over his shoulder "I'm leaving in 15 minutes, so hurry up and get changed."
Louis reluctantly heaved himself out of bed and into the shower, knowing Zayn was dead serious about leaving him behind.

Harry walked into the house fuming. He knew Alex was sound asleep in bed as he saw his shoes at the door.
Harry was annoyed at Alex. Harry was the one who went out going from bar to bar trying to find Alex, knowing he'd either get himself in a fight or get so drunk he'd do something stupid.
And yet Alex didn't have the decency to call or at the very least text Harry about his whereabouts. 
Harry couldn't do any thing about it because Alex would blow up and tell him that he wasn't a little kid and that he could do whatever he wanted.
Harry shrugged off his coat and slipped off his boots, all the while thinking about the kiss he shared with Louis.
He smiled then realizing that he shouldn't be thinking happily of something like that scolded himself.
He walked up the stairs and into his room, seeing Alex sound asleep only infuriated him more. But he pushed down the feeling when Alex stirred. He called out to Harry, his deep voice sleepy "Come to bed, babe."
Harry ignored him and went to the bathroom to get changed. Something he normally wouldn't do.
After brushing his teeth and changing into his pajamas, Harry walked over to his side of the bed. He curled in on himself as Alex wrapped an arm around his waist. Harry tried to move away but Alexs' arm was like an iron clamp, it wouldn't budge.
Alex's breath was hot on Harry's neck as he said "Why's my Harry so mad at me, hmm?"
Harry didn't want to say anything back but he knew better than that, so he mumbled "Just a bad day is all."
Alex gave Harry a skeptical look "And why's that?"
Harry wanted to say; Oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact that my only friend was crying his eyes out because his girlfriend cheated on him with YOU
But instead he yawned, hoping it would tell Alex to give up and let Harry sleep. Alex took the bait and that was that.
Harry fell into a deep sleep dreaming of a certain blue eyed boy and a foolish kiss.

Louis ran into the lecture hall just as the bell rang. He was tired, out of breath and his head hurt like hell, but he was determined to get through this class.
He sat in an empty seat in the second row. Just as he settled himself the professor walked into the room a stack of papers under his arm. He was a short, stout man who was balding and wore thick circular glasses. Everyone called him Professor J.
Professor J stood at the front of the room and addressed the class "Alright so as you guys know we've got to get started on the end of year projects."
He went on and on while Louis' brain wandered. 
His thoughts were interrupted when the balding professor said louder obviously trying to grab everyone's attention  "Well the topic of the painting you'll be creating for your projects- which by the way is 30% of your final grade- is something of up most beauty to you. But not just a rose or something with beautiful exterior qualities but something you find beautiful on the inside. You have to express these qualities in your work."
He looked around the class room as he closed off his speech "I want weekly reports on how it's going. That means-" He looked at Louis with a raised eyebrow "everyone needs to be attending class for the next 6 weeks."
He then told everyone to brainstorm ideas for their projects.
Louis thought and thought but nothing came to mind. If you had asked him two weeks ago he would have said without a doubt in his mind, he would draw Eleanor. But she was out of the picture, both figuratively and literally.
Then a brilliant idea came to his mind and he instantly knew what he was going to paint.
The bell rang but instead of getting up and either heading home or to the next class, Louis ripped a piece of paper out of his notebook and started scribbling down his idea.
He left half an hour later, a smile on his face and not a thought of Eleanor in mind.

I'm really sorry about not updating in a while but I didn't really know what to write. Anyway this chapter is horrible but it's just a filler. If anyone's wondering Louis is an art student, so he basically has a class one every two days. Harry does his online medical courses whenever.
Anyways the next chapter should be a lot more enjoyable.
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