Phone Calls & Side Walks

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Louis woke up that morning to the delightful smell of Eleanor's cooking. He reached for his phone, on the bedside table, to check the time; 11:38 am, read the phone screen bright against Louis's sleepy eyes. He had to catch the train to go into town in an hour so he reluctantly decided to get up and greet his beautiful girlfriend of 4 years.
He walked out their bedroom, down the carpeted stairs and into the modern kitchen. They'd just remodeled the kitchen as they both hated the yellow tiles and old appliances the previous owners of the house had. For something more their taste; blacks, whites and marble.
Their taste was very simple- Well Eleanor's taste was very simple, Louis would have liked a kitchen that looked like the inhabitants actually cooked there. But he wasn't going to argue about that with Eleanor.
Eleanor had the radio on and was singing along to a pop song that was surely going to be stuck in Louis's head. She hadn't noticed him come, so he went and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. She jumped when he did this but relaxed once she knew it was Louis.

She turned around and kissed Louis on the cheek and said "You're up early for a Saturday."

Louis nodded his head and replied tiredly "Yeah, I'd rather be in bed right now but I've got to get those art supplies for school."

Eleanor was about to say something when her phone rang. She was quick to pick it up so Louis couldn't see who was calling but he assumed it was her mum as she has been talking about calling her all week.
Eleanor turned off the stove and excused herself with another kiss on Louis's check and said "You go and have a shower, I'll answer this and breakfast will be on the table in 10."
Louis nodded but Eleanor didn't see as she was already gone up to the guest room to answer the call.

He was a bit surprised as Eleanor always answer calls in front of him but for nearly two weeks now she hasn't. He dismissed the thoughts forming in his head that something may be going on and climbed up the stairs to have a shower and make their bed.
As he passed the guest bedroom, he heard Eleanor say in a hushed tone "You can come over once Louis's gone out, he won't be back for hours so we'll have plenty of time."
Louis once again pushed away the irrational thoughts in his mind, knowing- or maybe hoping that she was just calling one of her friends over while he was gone out.
He walked into their messy room and started the chore of making their huge bed; fluffing the ridiculous amount of throw pillows Eleanor bought, placing them in the right places and finally making sure there was no creases in the duvet.
Once he'd finished all that, he hopped into the shower and rinsed his body clean of the night before with two squirts of his favourite strawberry scented shower gel. He wrapped a towel around his waist and exited the bathroom, going to his side of the closet. It was messy and disorganized whereas Eleanor's side was neat and in order.
He picked out an off white knitter jumper and a pair of beige skinny jeans along with his favourite pair of black vans. He styled his hair into a quiff.
Louis heard Eleanor walk into the room and he turned and asked "Who were you talking to?"
Eleanor didn't answer right away, like she was thinking of an answer. She eventually said "My friend Amy, you remember her? She was at you're 20th birthday last year. Well she's in town and I thought she'd come over while you're gone."
Louis nodded along to her answer, she was obviously telling the truth. Why would she ever lie to Louis? He was just overreacting before.
He replied while tying his shoe laces "Okay then, that's alright. I've got to go now or else I'll miss the train."
He grabbed his phone off the bedside table and jogged downstairs, Eleanor following behind him.
He walked over to the door and quickly put on his brown coat before shoving his house keys and phone into his pocket. Eleanor gave him a quick kiss on the lips and said with a pout "You didn't have any breakfast, you're going to be hungry in awhile."
He smiled down at her and said "I'll live, don't worry."
He just loved how caring and considering she was. She really was amazing and he still couldn't believe he was all his.
He kissed her pink lips again and said, "I'll see you later. Text me if you need anything. Love you." while walking out the door. As he walked across the front yard, he heard her call "Okay. Love you too, Lou!"
He smiled, wondering how lucky he was to have his Eleanor. He was the luckiest man in the world.
He'd walked for a good ten minutes, before he finally got to the shops and he couldn't have been happier. All he wanted was the warm gush of air from the heating system as you walked in the store.
His thoughts were shoved away as someone ran into him. Louis fell to the cement ground and grunted. He had his mouth open to start shouting at the person who ran into him but no words came out as he looked up at the figure trying to help him up.
It was a man with the most beautiful brown curls Louis had ever seen and mesmerizing forest green eyes.
Louis had finally managed to stand up with the help of the beautiful stranger and was drooling over how beautiful he was. The stranger said hurriedly "I'm so sorry. I was in such a rush I didn't see you there. Oh god I've ruined your jacket. I'm really s-" but he was cut off by an older looking man, who Louis assumed was his dad. But was wrong the moment the man put a kiss to the strangers lips and said "Come on Harry, we've got to get you home before I go to work."
The man noticed Louis and growled "Move along, I don't like people drooling over my boyfriend." Louis mumbled an apology and started to walk off when Harry grabbed his hand and placed 20 pounds in his small palm and said "That's for your jacket, I'm sorry."
The older man took Harry's wrist with force and pulled him along as he started walking.
Louis didn't even have time to say thank you, they were gone. His hand was tingling where Harry had brushed his fingers against his hand.
Louis had forgotten about the art supplies and the train he had most likely missed, his mind was flooded with images of Harry. Louis' mind kept replying the way Harry spoke; his voice deep and raspy.
Louis tried to think of anything else. He tried to recall what Eleanor had asked him to buy from the chemist. But all Louis could think of was Harry's eyes.
A shade of green Louis would never be able to capture on a canvas.
His eyes held secrets he could never tell, but all Louis saw was the beauty.
Those damn eyes.

That's the second chapter. It's longer than the first. The story is going to be told in different POVs, mainly Louis and Harry's but there may be a few chapters told by Eleanor and Alex. Anyways I hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comment. Note: when I say "town" I mean the city center.

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