Dinner Parties & Stutters

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Harry knew that the minute he gave the man the money, Alex was going to hurt him when they got home from the way he grabbed his wrist, leaving red marks.
Harry was scared, he was absolutely petrified. He didn't want to go home and let the horrors unfold.
Tears burned his eyes as they got into Alex's black, sleek car. Alex was obviously making enough money to buy Harry some new clothes but he never did. Even though Harry's clothes were old and ratty looking.
The car drive home was full of Alex's curses and honks at the cars in front of them. Harry looked out the window scared to even look at his boyfriend.
Alex broke the silence once they stopped at yet another traffic light and said tiredly "My coworker has invited us over for dinner tomorrow night, so wear something nice."
Harry was scared to talk as he thought if he did all the tears he had held back would flow like a river. But from the way Alex was looking at him, he expected an answer.
Harry said quietly, trying to hold the waterfall of tears back "Okay, that's great. I'll make some brownies to bring over then."
Alex, obviously in a bad mood still, rolled his eyes and scoffed "Brownies? Really, Harry?"
Harry didn't answer and instead looked out the window so Alex wouldn't see his tears.
Once they pulled into their driveway, Harry ran out of the car and through the front door. He didn't take notice to the front door being unlocked when he went to open it, Alex always locked the door. He ran up the creaky stairs and into their bedroom and let his tears flow freely.
Harry knew that Alex wasn't coming in, he was just dropping Harry off and then driving right to the bar he always went to when he was in a bad mood.
Harry did know, however, that Alex would be coming back drunk and ready to hurt Harry. Alex would wake up the next morning and would never know he hurt Harry. And although, most of the time Harry was grateful,that Alex didn't recall hurting him. Harry sometimes wanted Alex to know what he had done. He always ended up knowing in the end, Harry's bruises would give it away and he'd ask Harry but Harry was always a terrible liar.
Once Alex knew he would blame it on Harry and hurt him more only this time with words. Funnily enough, his words always hurt more than his fists.
Harry was sprawled out on their bed and sobbing into his pillow. He didn't want Alex like this, he used to be kind and sweet all the time but now it seemed like he was only ever like that after Harry had given himself to him. Whether that be as a punching bag or as a pleasure. Harry wouldn't leave Alex though. No, not ever. Alex had been there for Harry when no one else was. Not even his family.
Harry opened his eyes not wanting to think about that chapter in his life. He let his mind wander, hoping it would bring up a happy memory of Alex and him. Instead, his mind replayed images of piercing blue eyes.
He shook his head. He couldn't think about him, Harry was happy and in love with Alex.
It didn't matter that he felt a tingling sensation when he touched the man's soft skin. Or how his eyes made all of Harry's worries go away even if it was just for a minute.
Harry didn't have the energy to scold himself for thinking about some random stranger instead of his wonderful boyfriend.
He fell asleep, tears still flowing down his rosy cheeks and images of the beautiful stranger in his mind.

Harry woke up to the sound of their front door slamming shut. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table. It read; 3:46 am. He got up and walked down the stairs, scared of what he'd see when he got down there. He knew it was Alex but he didn't know what side of Alex it would be.
Alex heard him come down the stairs and turned around from where he was standing, nursing a bottle of vodka. Harry carefully went up to the man. The moment he was close to Alex, he was slapped across the face. He was crying and preparing for the next blow, but it never came. Instead, Alex turn Harry's face in the hand that wasn't holding the bottle and whispered in his ear "I'm not going to do anymore. I wouldnt want my coworker getting the wrong impression tomorrow."
Alex let go of Harry's face and stumbled up the stairs, once he reached the top he called to Harry "You'll be sleeping on the couch. You don't deserve to sleep in a bed after what you did today."
Harry walked over to the couch and for the second time that night, fell asleep with tears down his cheeks.

This chapter is kinda just a filler. The next chapter will be the dinner. Something unexpected happens. I'll try to make the next one longer. But I doubt I'll be posting until atleast Thursday maybe Friday. Anyways vote and comment!

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