Tesco Bags & Unexpected Hosts

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Harry woke up the next morning, excepting the worst. That being cruel, demeaning words uttered from his true love. He was pleasantly surprised, however, to hear Alex's sweet, melodious voice in the kitchen singing the song he'd always called his and Harry's song.
Harry got off of the couch, struggling and walked into the kitchen his back aching. He wrapped his lanky arms around Alex's waist and rested his head on his shoulder. Alex continued to sing as he flipped the pancakes he was making. Harry let go and walked over to the marble island in the middle of the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs. He picked up the newspaper he got yesterday and flicked through it.

Five minutes later and there was a plate stacked with fluffy pancakes, covered in maple syrup and his messy haired boyfriend sitting across from him. Harry cut a piece from the pancake on top of the stack and put it in his mouth. The pancakes tasted amazing, Alex really was a great cook when he wanted to be. Harry did nearly all the cooking and cleaning in the house. Alex had told him he had to do something other than study all day and so he became a house wife.
Harry takes another chunk from the pancake and says with his mouth full "These are delicious, Al."
Alex smiled and said "Only the best for my little Prince." He paused and wiped the crumbs from the corners of Harry's mouth. He then said in a more serious tone
"I'm sorry about last night but you know you shouldn't have acted like that. I know you were trying to be nice, but Harry, not all men are as kind as me. They're going to use you and make you feel worthless and they won't love you like I love you. I'm the only person who will ever love you for the way you really are, okay my hazzy bear?"
Harry pulled his lips into a fake smile and changed the subject by saying
"So what time will we be heading over to that dinner tonight?"
Alex sighed and said "Probably around six so right after I finish work. Speaking of work I'm going to be late if I don't go now."
Alex pressed a kiss to Harry's lips and walked out the door while saying "I'll see you later! You better be ready to go when I come back!"
Before Harry could say anything Alex was gone and the sound of the cars engine coming to life was the only thing to be heard.
Harry had decided that he'd busy himself while Alex was away. He'd made their bed and was now starting on making the brownies for tonight. He really didn't want to make brownies after what Alex said last night but he didn't have any cupcake holders. And he didn't want to leave the house but he knew it'd put a smile on Alex's face.
He sighed and put away the ingredients for the brownies and trudged upstairs to get ready. He put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a navy blue sweatshirt and his beat up red converse. He brushed his tangled curls and quickly put them up in a messy bun. He did a quick one over of himself in the mirror and smiled. He looked presentable.
He walked down the stairs and checked that he had his phone and wallet, before putting on his brown winter jacket. He turned off the lights, knowing that if he kept them on Alex would get made and tell him he was wasting his precious money. He walked out the door and was hit with the cold winter air. He shivered and locked the front door after him.
He walked down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. The streets were filled with people either going to work or out shopping. Harry tried to remember the last time he was out on his own. Probably two months ago he concluded as all the other times he was out with Alex and even then it was only quick trips to the shops and library to get his textbooks.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when the insistent beeping of the cross lights and the shoves of peoples shoulders told him to cross the road. He made it safely to the other side and couldn't help but feel embarrassed at all the people he held up. He felt stupid, he should have been paying attention. He continued walking down the street until he was in front of Tesco.
He walked in the automatic doors and was welcomed with a gush of warm air. He picked up a basket and looked for the baking supplies isle. He searched the isle until he finally found the cupcake cases. He picked up a packet of orange cases and smiled as he knew Alex would be happy that Harry remembered his favourite colour.
He picked up a few other things; eggs, milk and bread.
He walked up to the checkout and joined line for till 5. He tapped his foot against the ground impatiently. He didn't have time for this, he had to get home.
Five minutes later and he was one person away from the checkout. The customer in front of him finished putting their items in a bag and it was finally Harry's turn at the counter. He took his groceries out of the basket and put them on the counter. He didn't bother to look up at the cashier until he'd finished scanning all the items and was asking if he was going to use a credit card. Harry was shocked to see the man he tripped up yesterday, the man he couldn't get out of his head, the man who's gaze sent chills down his spine. The man looked surprised to see Harry by the looks of it but he quickly regained his composer and asked
"So that'll be 26.20 please."
Harry nodded and rummaged through his wallet trying to find the right amount of change, he looked up to find the man looking at him and his cheeks flushed red when he saw Harry had caught him.
Harry handed him the money and as he was being handed the receipt, their hands touched and it sent a tingle up Harry's arm. Harry pulled his hand away and mumbled a thank you. He gave a quick glance to the cashier and saw that his name tag read Louis :)
Harry walked out of Tesco with a bag full of groceries and a head full of Louis's face.
Once Harry got home, he went straight to the kitchen and started making the cupcakes. He glanced at the clock and saw that he'd spent a lot more time out than he expected. It was 2:30 now and he still had to vacuum the living room, have a shower, pick out an outfit and get some of his assignment done all in the span of three and a half hours.
He'd finished making the batter for the cupcakes and was now lining the cupcakes tin with the orange cases. He scooped the batter into the cases and quickly set them in the oven, all the while Louis's blue eyes were stuck in his mind. He set a timer for 25 minutes, ran up stairs and got into the shower, hoping that not only will it clean his body but also the charming image of the cashier from his mind.
Once out of the shower, Harry walked down stairs and walked into the kitchen, the sweet smell of cupcakes wafting through the room. Harry took the cupcakes with the oven mittens Alex bought him last Christmas. The same oven mittens, that Alex hit him with over and over again when he didn't like the food Harry cooked. Harry left the cupcakes to set and stated vacuuming the living room and rearranging the pillows on the couch he slept on last night. He then started in finishing his assignment.
An hour later, Harry was running up the stairs and into his bedroom. He opened his and Alex's shared closet and picked out black trousers, a white button up and paired it with a grey trench coat. Just as he was putting frosting on the last cupcake a honk from outside told him that Alex was here. He quickly but carefully placed the cupcakes into a plastic container and ran out the door. He hopped in the car and gave Alex a kiss on the cheek. They talked about their days and although it was mostly Alex talking about how he'd rather have Harry in bed than go to this dinner, Harry didn't mind as long as he wasn't angry it was fine.
Alex parked the car in front of a smallish house with a well kept garden. They got out of the car and Harry made sure to bring the cupcakes with him. Alex rang the doorbell, held Harry's hand and put on his best smile. Harry could hear footsteps come to the door and the lock of the door turning. The door opened and Harry's jaw dropped.

Standing in front of him was none other than Louis.

I'm really sorry about not updating in awhile but I was studying for my exams. Once again nothing really happened in this chapter but the next chapter be the dinner! How will Alex react to seeing Louis again? Will Harry survive the night? And more importantly will the cupcakes taste as good as Harry says they are? Anyways the next chapter should be out sometime this week but if not definitely the week after.
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