Broken Hearts & Beer Bottles

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Louis stood there, frozen by shock, his brain trying to comprehend what was happening. Eleanor looked like a deer caught in headlights, she obviously didn't expect this. Alex, on the other hand, looked smug, like he was happy that they'd been caught and it was finally in the open.
But all poor Louis could think of from the moment he saw Alex with Eleanor was how Harry would cope with all this. He was such a shy, sensitive boy and Louis knew he'd be more than upset with this.
"What about Harry? Does he know?" Louis croaked, trying to fight the tears that threatened to spill. He'd spent four years with Eleanor. Four years of sharing secrets, four years of being together, four years of loving. Or what Louis thought was love.
Alex replied tiredly, as if this was boring him and he had better things to do
"He knows I have a mistress, yes. He doesn't know it's Eleanor." his eyes wandered over to the table Zayn and I had so perfectly set and continued, a heartless grin on his face "It's really heartwarming that you made dinner for us but we've just eaten so I guess all your hard works gone to crap."
Louis clenched his fists at his side, trying to contain himself. All of his confusing and sadness now turning into rage. He looked for refuge in Eleanor's eyes, looking for any sign that it wasn't what it looked like, that this was all a mistake. Instead he saw her looking at him impatiently as if she just wanted to get done with this situation.
Louis said no more. He shrugged on his jacket, making sure his phone and wallet were in a pocket. He walked towards the door and stopped in front of Eleanor, so close that he could kiss her. However, he said to her in a definite tone "If you and all of your belongs aren't out of my house by the time I get back, I will be call the police. Oh and Zayn's upstairs trying to sleep so try not to make too much noise while you're packing up. Now if you'll excuse me," he motioned to her standing in his way "I'd like to leave."
She moved out of the way but clung to his arm, pleading with Louis to let her stay and that he wasn't supposed to see any of this, Louis simply tugged his arm away from her and walked out the door, Eleanor's pleads following him to the car.
He got in the car, slamming the door and igniting the engine. He drove in silence for a good ten minutes, before pulling into a parking space in front of The White Swan, a bar at which Louis was a regular.
He turned off the engine, then resting his head on the steering wheel and allowing the tears that he had been holding in to flow. His tears fell silently for minutes on end and then he couldn't contain his emotions and started to sob. The girl that he had had a crush on when she first moved to town 5 years ago had broken his heart. He wanted so badly for this to be a horrible dream and that he would wake up with his Eleanor in his arms. But he knew that wouldn't happen, he had been living in the bliss of happiness for so long that he had forgotten what the real world was like. He had forgotten that nothing lasts forever and that all good things come to an end. He had forgotten that there was no such thing as happily ever afters in a world thats fuel was hatred and rage.
He lifted his head off of the damp leather steering wheel and wiped his eyes. He knew a drink or two would help him ease his mind.
He quickly looked at himself in the sideview mirror, he looked horrible. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks red and wet with tears. He got out of the car and made sure to lock it.
He walked into the dimly lit bar and was hit with the overpowering smell of stale beer. He walked over to the bartender, Niall. He was a rowdy Irishman, who also happened to be a good friend of mine.
He broke into a grin when he saw Louis but that was quickly replaced with a look of concern as he looked into Louis' eyes; they were full of gloom.
Louis seated himself at the stool in front of Niall, who had put a beer in front of him. Louis chugged the pint down and instantly felt better. Niall got him another and asked Louis curiously "What're you doing here, mate, it's 4 in the afternoon?"
Louis shrugged his shoulders, not ready to tell anyone about the whole Eleanor situation and pushed his now empty glass over to Niall, hoping he'd get the message and get him another one. Niall caught on and gave Louis another.
Since it was a weekday and it being 4 pm hardly anyone was in the bar. Except for Louis and some drunk old guy who was drinking his sorrows away. Louis looked at him and wondered if he looked like that, so sad and defeated. He probably did, he concluded. He sighed and asked Niall for another, to which he reluctantly obeyed.
Minutes turned to hours and by the time it was midnight Louis was so drunk he hadn't even noticed the curly haired boy who walked in looking frantically for someone, before his emerald green eyes landed on Louis' shaking shoulders.

So this chapter kind of disappointed me. I think I could have written something better but I'm really tired and want to get a chapter out. Merry late Christmas to everyone who celebrated! I'm planning on having all the boys in the book, so far we've met Niall and Zayn.
Do you think Louis was a bit too harsh with Eleanor? Should Niall have cut Louis off and tried to talk to him? What was Harry doing in The White Swan? And more importantly, how many glasses will Niall have to clean?
Anyway vote and comment!

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